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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. you tried to get me with the their instead of there didn't ya. I did see the your mistake, but I was being nice and didn't say anything. I was thinking Ben was doing it on purpose as he doesnt make spelling mistakes like that.
  2. Oh my bad. Lol
  3. That doesn't make sense.
  4. I like Jeremy, we need more blokes like him on air. Blokes who say it how it is and not go around like a bunch of pansies being politically correct all the time.
  5. Err I think you mean " lose " not "loose". Loose, as a example, is when something isn't tight, like a nut or bolt.
  6. Or people could learn to spell correctly.
  7. Americans have a License, we have a Licence. I don't know why this is so hard to grasp . I know I sound anal and who cares, but I feel that Australia is losing its identity with American english creeping in. Like Jail instead of Gaol.
  8. But the thing is, people who as a example, trip over a tree root or something. These days are trying to find somebody else to blame instead of blaming themselves for walking around with blinkers on. Where is it going to end ? It will get to the stage where kids wont be able to ride motorcross bikes or ride horses at the weekend pony club. IMO we are heading in the wrong direction with all the cotton wool stuff.
  9. Common Tubs, You have to admit that Australia has turned into a nanny state. A classic example is people hurting themselves in sport like riding jets skis. Some bloke hurts himself because they were too stupid to relise that you need to throttle on to steer as they need water going through the pump. Next thing you know, the powers that be try to restrict them, same as quad bikes with their accident rate.
  10. How deflating.
  11. Not that easy . What I am getting at is that men used to be tough in this country but now everybody bends overs and takes it up the backside. No wonder the muslims are running riot in the middle east and here. We bend over backwards for the minority groups.
  12. I have to agree with acro on a few points. Who gives the right for anybody to tell me what I can or cannot do ( apart from the obvious, like work). I mean, the governments of today have become all too powerful. It is not a privileged to fly a aeroplane, or drive a boat etc. It is a right, and no retard from the government will tell me otherwise.
  13. I'm standing in a paddock actually.
  14. Yeah that is why I always buy Australian Flying and Aviator magazine as soon as it hits the Newsagents.
  15. With this talk of either getting magazine electronically or cop another $50 increase, shows me that CASA should cough up some more cash. It isn't exactly a level playing field when RAA pilots HAVE TO pay a yearly fee to fly a aircraft when GA pilots don't.
  16. A 707 was rolled during a sales demonstration. Dunno about a 747 ever being rolled.
  17. I think you will find that it is steam "gauge".
  18. My Yuasa battery in my 2003 motorbike is still going strong.
  19. I was thinking more like the 182 with that top cowl.
  20. What you do is scull your first stubbie and then you shove your cigarette buts into that empty stubby.
  21. How is the ground water poisoned when in nothing is pumped into the ground in 90 % of cases ? Remember only 8 to 10 % of wells have hydraulic fracturing to fracture the coal seam. Sound like another CSG miss informed post FT.
  22. Welcome Russell
  23. I think it is because new and 24 hours new is now mixed together. The posts you haven't read are in bold. Ian mentioned that a few things are in the works and the new system is designed around that.
  24. That was true along time ago but my personal experience tells me not to say anything. Many years ago I got the classic " do you fly real aeroplanes or ultralights " then even now I get the good old, " do you fly aeroplanes or little ones " the latest comment comes from " ultralights" not getting called ultralights much anymore. Honestly I couldn't be bothered any more. It is easier to say nothing.
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