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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. The new posts that you haven't read are in bold. It is different, but i can see what Ian is trying to acheive.
  2. And me on Ipad and Iphone
  3. This ASIC is becoming a real problem, mainly because to exercise the privilege of using a RPL/PPL/CPL/ATPL pilots must ( supposed to) to have a ASIC. Luckily RAA pilots don't have that requirement. It is just another expense that isn't needed as it doesn't help terrorism at all. Ps- Frank all ready knows this, just putting this out there for peeps who may not know.
  4. It was a classic video, it was posted on here a while ago. He was talking about massive circuits or something from memory.
  5. Yep like Bob has said, it's all good, just a bit if good old Aussie banter.
  6. This is a good video Paul was wearing those Epaulettes as a joke.
  7. Just mucking around, probably half the population spell it as hanger.
  8. Ouch, that was a bit over the top. But it would have to be the most misspelt word in aviation. I guess he was thinking that if you guys ( well your friend) couldn't get that right, well on ya bike.lol Well not really missspelt, but more like using the wrong word. Peeps spelling gauge as guage would be the 2 nd biggest.
  9. I have a few hangers at home.
  10. Don't you like the truth FT ? Is that because it doesn't suit your Labor idealism ?
  11. I dunno why you gave me a creative Winsor since what I said is correct.
  12. Yup, that is why I said the ABC boss was Spreading the rumours, I didn't say he started the rumours. I couldn't remember who the wanker was who started them. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. Nothing the ABC seems to do is correct or researched. The Boss of the ABC was also spreading the lies saying the Mr Abbott was going to send troops into Iraq and " go it alone". The meathead who made up and spread these rumours had to retract them when questioned about it. He said Mr Abbott supposedly said about the the troop going into Iraq in a dinner he had with VIP's. Nope the Chief of Airforce was at that dinner and nothing even remotely was said about any military action . But the damaged has been done. Journalist should be sent to jail when knowingly misleading the public with their crappy stories.
  14. I doubt they would worry about " defending " themselves. They would probably say that they are the regulator so if you don't like it, bad luck.
  15. The one that was on the beach is a Enstrom with one on board and the other one at Archerfield was a Robinson R22 with Student and Instructor. Nobody hurt.
  16. Nice Piccys Turbo.
  17. Oh I am not saying you are wrong or anything, it is just that I ignore stupid silly rules.
  18. Maybe they go deeper for you but not for me.
  19. He is on Facebook
  20. I vote Sain to be a Saint.
  21. By type they mean Tri gear or Tail wheel, A/c with retracts and or CS prop.Not each individual aircraft.
  22. I dunno about this Martin jet pack IMO it is way over priced and not really practicable. I wouldn't knock back one of those aerial motorbike type thing in Star Wars though. The one the they weaving through the tall trees on.
  23. The prototype is still in the test flying stage. There is a couple of videos on youtube.
  24. Scale wings SW51 Mustang ( formally known as the FK51),
  25. Why ? There is a lot of truth in Johns post.
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