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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Got to love the modern era with the internet. When a Australian company price gouges, no problem, buy the item overseas.
  2. A license ? Do you mean the Americans have to train them ? Just kidding, getting a GA school to train pilots for a Licence is too expensive for ultralights
  3. But who is going to train the pilots?
  4. See other post in regards to the low compression rates of this particular aircraft and what retification work has been done before commiting to fly it across the continent.
  5. Reminds me of the small arms contest between the Colt M16 and the F88 that we currently have. By all sources I had in the Army ( I was Airforce) the M16 shat all over the F88. But low and behold, the F88 won, why ? Simply because it could be built under licence here in Oz where as the M16 couldn't. Luckily I joined and the SLR was currently still in service. I liked it, being 308 cal, it was accurate, the F88 was a politicians choice not the Armies.I had to qualify on the F88 a few years after I joined IMO it was a piece of crap but women could reload it and shoot it though.
  6. I read the story in the latest Aviator magazine about Avplan. Well done Bevan
  7. Oh I agree, when I say people getting locked up, I didn't mean the people looking for a job. I mean the bosses and workers of those companies who are submitting fraudulent documents and getting paid money from the government.
  8. Fabric repairs in the RAAF pretty much stopped when the Dakota DC3 left ARDU. Composite repairs happen a lot. We they were when I was in.
  9. Nissan recalled the Patrol with the anchor ZD30 engine and shorten the dip sticks so peeps would put more oil in the engine.
  10. Yup I watched 4 corners, there should be a lot of people getting locked up for fraud in the future.
  11. I know a few very experienced and competent L2 guys who are tossing up whether to keep working as L2's or not. Their insurance etc is getting to the point where they would rather just work on their own aircraft.
  12. It would probably be a good career move for a young bloke or girl out of school. But you would have to love putting up with government red tape.
  13. Don't look at me, i'm staying well out of it.
  14. It didn't help due to politics that military technicians like myself had to redo exams to become LAME's. Most of us of course said they can stick that up their ar$e and we moved onto different careers. Pretty silly how we could have many many years swinging spanners on fast jets and multi engined transport aircraft. But we were not allowed to work on a single engine Cessna lol. This all came about from the unions worried about the military guys taking the jobs away from civilians LAME/AME and apprentices . Well they made their bed and now they can lie in it.
  15. There is no doubt that GA is more expensive than RAA. But I also think that competition is good as well. I don't like monopolies.
  16. I still don't think it is fair that we have to be a member of the RAA too fly RAA aircraft and GA jockeys don't have to be a member of anything to fly VH registered aircraft.
  17. I'm still thinking a near hit as in nearly hitting something is more specific than a near miss. That is, nearly missing something. Or am I missing something ?
  18. Err she says in the video " a near miss", they hit each other so that would be a hit, not a near miss. Where do they get these media clowns from.
  19. Just a update, I was researching this and I came across a article about a woman who was fined $160 and received 1 demerit point for drving at 104 kph on the M1 between the Gold Coast and Brisbane. She was in one of the middle lanes and she was booked for driving to slow in that lane as the speed limit is 110 kph. That is what the story said. My take on it is that she was probably booked for failing to keep left as she was only driving 6 kph below the posted limit.
  20. Driving more than 15 kph slower than the posted speed limit in QLD is a fine and one demerit point.
  21. Jesus, it's a tough audience today.
  22. 14 days actually
  23. True, but you can also be booked for driving to slow as it is impeding the flow of traffic.
  24. Must be American as we spell Licence as err Licence in Australia not license. Then again I have seen Hangar spelt hanger a lot lately.
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