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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Let me guess, it happened in Victoria?
  2. I flew home from Miles to Brisbane today in a -8. It has been gusty all day. I wouldn't have flown a LSA up here today.
  3. Also known as a bug smasher and fly catcher.
  4. Same here, my missus is a excellent pillion. She's been riding on the back of my bikes for the last 15 years.
  5. The more the RAA fees go up, more existing members will say enough is enough and not renew their memberships.
  6. dazza 38


  7. dazza 38


    I think they do that so mags like the Penthouse, Playboy and Hustler don't get 'slipped ' into the magazine pile.
  8. Welcome Rod
  9. Nice looking aircraft I reckon. I am on their email list and get updates.
  10. Actually I think powering them with a jab is a good idea. They are a fast aircraft so with the right ducting, head cooling shouldn't be a issue. The 3300 Jab powered ones go really well.
  11. It depends on which seat your brother is in. My seat Mermaid had how to vote cards for Labor, LNP, Family First, PUP and the Greens. I dcided to number my paper on my own personal preference .
  12. Im thinking that after the last federal election, people are now wary of voting for small or micro parties.
  13. Queenslanders saw through the Palmer Unity Party, they didn't win a single seat.
  14. Apparently it was a Onex on its first flight. This information may turn out to be incorrect though.
  15. I was watching Landline on Sunday, they had a segment on Ingam Organic Chicken and they are looking at flying stock out of Wellcamp direct to the Asian markets. I hope they go well.
  16. You're going to be waiting for a very long time to get a Licence from the RAA. They only issue certificates.
  17. Now common fly, we all know that Katter is a Labor bitch. God knows why, the bush hates Labor with a passion.
  18. I watched Landline on ABC today, as I do being a redneck. Ingham chickens are looking at flying organic chickens out of Welcamp to Asia. Good on them.
  19. Ryan, I dont know how to say this without it coming across as being bad. You asked for advice and you dont like the answers. People here have been honest with their advice including mine. Take it or leave it and find a pilot willing or not to ferry your aircraft. Good luck.
  20. Teccy Golfs are easy to fly, I have over 100 hours in that particular model. But a couple of pilots have come unstuck in them by raising the nose wheel off a bit to early when accelerating down the runway. They need a certain amount of airspeed over the rudder for it t be effective. Some Golfs have been bent by heading left even with full right rudder early in the take off run. Its not a biggy, just something to think about.
  21. Ha ha thanks Alf, as I get older and the QLD heat gets to me, I wouldn't mind heading back one day. My mum side of the family comes from Lakes Entrance.
  22. I guess so Nev.
  23. I don't think they have snow toboggans, Rosebud is a seaside town on the Mornington Peninsula . I was actually born in Frankston Hospital. I left Victoria when I was 5 years old.
  24. I agree Tony has to go and be replaced with either Malcolm or Julie.
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