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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. I don't read the Courier Mail or any of the other news papers, but I have a lot of friends from Victoria ( I was born in Vic ) who let me know how the muppets are going.
  2. The Grumman F14 Tomcat also does it for me.
  3. Do you mean like the Victorians voting in Labor a few months ago.
  4. The way Tony Abbott is going ATM, it is probably would be better for him to step aside for Julie or Malcolm. But I would take what Paul Keating says with a grain of salt. He wasn't exactly a shining star.
  5. I honestly couldnt tell you IRT the hand brake being changed, we did have one roll down a hill after the hand brake failed. I always leave mine in gear when parked. Yup true about the 5 star Ancap. Most cruisers are being replaced with the Hilux. But we (in my job role ) need the cruiser for its towing capabilities . I did read that Toyota cannot retrofit the cruiser with the goodies to make it 5 star Ancap and sometime in 2016 they will stop being made. This is only efffects the 79 series, the 200 series wagons are fine. Toyota have said, just replace the cruiser with our Hilux. Yeah , well we would kill the Hilux in our line of work.
  6. Re read post 11
  7. So what you're saying is that the federal Labor government didn't have budget deficits and was the cause of most of Australia's debt ? Are you sure? I would do some research before answering my question if I was you.
  8. Oldie and a goodie
  9. As most know, I work in western Qld. As I have mentioned previously,my company car is a Toyota V8 Landcruiser ute, I carry a big load at times. Our Utes dont have any stock suspension. They normaly have heavy duty suspension with extra GVM. We would rather have bigger utes made in the USA like F250 fords or GMC Silverados or Chevy Sierra's. We dont say to much to our bosses or we will end up with $hity small trucks like Hino or Isuzu. Cab overs. We drive a lot if kays during the day sometimes. I sometimes drive more than 500 kays a day. QLD is a big state and we like our comfort.
  10. It is great to see that the Pilatus Porter is still manufactured. You can buy one brand new for a cool $1.9 million dollars US.
  11. Err sorry you are correct, OK back to the topic, don't swerve when landing your Jabiru in front of Roos, either go around or take them out with your propellor.
  12. Our work Landcruiser Utes cost us a lot more than the going retail price. I wont say on a public site but lets just say a Converted Ford F250 from Performax in Gympie isnt that much more expensive.The suspension is changed out for after market suspension. Normally either, Lovells, EFS or Iron Man. Steel tray with roll over protection built in. Water tank , tow bar, UHF radio. Bull bar, side rails with steel side steps. IVMS ( in vehicle monitoring system) We spend most of our time on dirt roads. We have a Hilux that has broken off the left hand front shock mount only two weeks ago. We are only allowed to drive at 40 kph on unsealed roads.
  13. I see it at work when inexperience drivers swerve to miss kangaroos. Well more like city drivers driving in the bush. Drivers need to remember to brake but not to swerve, many people have died by swerving and rolling their vehicles. All our work vehicles are fitted with bullbars and side rails. The crusiers get a little bit damaged but nothing too major unless A- it was a big roo and B- the impact was at a good speed. The Hiluxes on the other hand normally come off with quarter panel damage when the bar comes back from the impact. Of course a lot of time, the dumb arse roos run head first into the quarter panels and doors and miss the Bull bar completely.
  14. I watched 4 of the shows on Youtube. Good show. Another one to watch is Bush pilots in the Congo, that was good as well.
  15. I am guessing that the canopy was not fitted for the trial. It would ruin the day if the canopy hit the tail.
  16. It does make you wonder whether it is viable for students just starting out to take 4 weeks off and go the the states and learn to fly. They probably wont complete their licence in that time but it is all experience. With the aussue dollar down to 80 cents US, it probably isnt worth it now.
  17. Looks like a Sportstar.
  18. Sure, but aircooled engines sooner or later will become obsolete. The future will be as above and electric. Diamond aircraft have had their share of problems in the past but their latest incarnation seems to be going well.
  19. Yeah well lets just see how successful the SMART mercedes automobile based engines go. www.flyeco.net . They are the way of the future, your engine is old school.
  20. A Boeing Stearman model 75 looks right to me.
  21. Yup I have been hiring aircraft from them since 1998.
  22. The 2 ltr Petrol engine made a MASSIVE 72 horsepower at 4200 RPM Hence you could drive it all day long with your flat to the floor.
  23. Yeah well you obviously have never owned or driven a 1983 Toyota Hilux fitted with a 4 speed manual that was revving its ring out on the highway at 110 kays an hour and have a engine that simply couldn't be revved any higher , it was at MAX RPM at 120 and I drove it at 120 for many contnuous hours. Believe what you want and I will believe what I think.
  24. I better go and get checked out in it.
  25. It would have to be liquid cooled. Air cooled is so old school and causes half the maintenance issues. It wont be cheap either, cheap engines need to be worked on every five minutes. Nothing is cheap in aviation, but I reckon Honda or Yamaha with their budgets could make a reliable alternate engine to the 912.
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