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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Jesus, a bit melodramatic don't you think.
  2. Yup I do this daily when I use my Laptop
  3. It is not about " nobody is forcing you to fly behind one", it is about preventing somebody on the ground getting killed when the engine goes BANG and the resultant landing doesnt goes exactly to plan.
  4. We dont mind these authorities reading what is posted. Hell, they may even learn something. I am pleased that CASA reads stuff that is posted, it is a easy way for them to see what the general consensus is like out there. As a example, the Jab crystal saga.
  5. Because one engine is world class (rotax) and the other engine is a piece of ----.
  6. This tragic event reminds me of something I was taught. But this may not have any bearing on this terrible event. Pilots should never be used solo in search and rescue, spotting or photography. The reason is that the pilot can get fixated on the target and forget to fly the aeroplane. When doing sight seeing, photography with a pax/ photographer ect or just general sight seeing around a object. It is very important that the pilot flys the aircraft only and not get distracted with what is going on around them.
  7. I read somewhere on here that some people think that if they bagged the Rotax 912 on the forum , it will be treated the same way as the Jab and be placed under limitations. Only one problem, the Rotax 912 is well known around the world as being one of the most reliable piston aircraft engines in the world. So good luck with that.
  8. After extensive modifications and cost it turned out all right I think. But it would have been cheaper to buy off the shelf. Like what is currently being considered to replaced the Collins class sub. Biggest hurdle here is the government wont buy a nuclear powered sub. Too many greeny tree hugger wankers around.
  9. I wouldn't get them to build a bath tub.
  10. Yup, but I like a lot of folks have left GA due to the cost.
  11. The Sling 2 also is designed with a MTOW of 700 kg from memory. I dunno who came up the the 600 kg LSA rule but they came up around 100 kg too short. As for the 45 knot stall speed, that rule should be thrown out. They should have worked the figures this way. Humans are getting bigger ( read fatter) it isn't hard to be 6 foot tall and 100 kg. We need rules and aircraft which can safely fit qty 2 full size adults ( lets say 220kg), 20 kg of luggage and a minimum of 100 liters of fuel ( 150 litres would be better) and the airframe built strong enough. I'm thinking a airframe around 350 kg empty with a 350 kg pay load.
  12. Not even the USA goes it alone when designing the latest state of the art aircraft eg - JSF. They risk share over multiple partners and in the JSF case , countries.
  13. Looking at the way the collins class sub turned out being built here, I wouldn't be so sure that I would automatically go for a locally built product. This country is too small (in population) to built a major weapons system. Assemble yes, but design and build, no imo.
  14. There is a lot of international politics when it comes to weapon system procurement.
  15. I would doubt that CASA would base their decision on skeptical evidence especially after the Forsyth report came out.
  16. It would be more reliable if it was fitted wih a blue head 582 me thinks. The Bantam suffers with poor cooling when fitted with a Jab. The Drifter would be similar I reckon.
  17. But electric motors should be as reliable as turbine engine or even more so.
  18. Ipad 70 % Iphone 20 % Laptop 10%
  19. Marand engineering in Victoria make the vertical stabiliser, engine removal and installation trolleys as well as 800 special tools. Quickstep and BAE also are apart of the manufacture of the vertical stab. There are approx 17 Australian companies that have won contracts thus far. A few of them are in partnership with each other as well.
  20. Yes some components are made in Australia
  21. Yup, a aircraft weapon system purchase is calculated over 20 plus years and the local content in the manufacturing of F35 components seems to be have been left behind in this thread.
  22. One word alcohol
  23. There is a lot that happens behinds the scenes than a simple weapons system purchase
  24. That is the million question mate. I have no idea how CASA past it. The other million dollar question is how some operators are trouble free and some who have a lot trouble. It seems to be fragile or not very robust IMO.
  25. They have had many many years to get it right but for what ever reason they haven't. What do I want ? Is not to read in the paper or watch in the news when somebody is killed. I am sorry mate but when I flew a Jab 16 years ago, they were very unreliable. I feel that we were the test pilots going from the 1600 to the first 2200 engines. They were heading in the right direction for a while with solid lifters but that hard work has seemed to come unstuck. Aviation is expensive and corners cant be cut for a cheaper product.
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