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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. It is pretty hard to attack CASA when we have numb nuts out there like Geoff has mentioned in his original post. It makes a mockery of recreational aviation in general.
  2. Jeez I must be missing something, all I have seen is CASA compiling evidence and then acting on that evidence.
  3. I agree Tim, the LL course would be excellent course for all pilots.
  4. You are reading into things too much. I joined the AUF in 1987. But during training my RAAF career got in the way and I didnt fly for 10 years hence I didnt finish my pilot cert until 1998. Anyway, I dont get too worried about the lastest and greatest rule changes. Actually I couldn't give a toss, I have seen many many people come and go from the RAA hierarchy and changes happen. I just keep on keeping on and fly when I want.
  5. Great to see your first post mate, yup the sling is a great aircraft.
  6. I received a optimistic from somebody, funny. I since I have virtually read the same post on more than one occasion, especially the CAMIT AND JAB SHOULD BE IN A JOINT VENTURE
  7. M Mine has done a bit, I owned a acre and mowed it. Around two hours 30 minutes to mow, did that every weekend for 3 years. Then used it for approx 40 minutes each weekend every since.
  8. My Briggs and Stratton Quattro 40 push mower was purchased in 1997 or there abouts. Still gong strong, starts first pull.
  9. I wonder why god didn't part the water on the flooded road so old love good get through, instead of her being stuck for 15 hours. Bad god.
  10. Our works John Deere zero turn mower has a Kohler 575 hours and it has never missed a beat.
  11. For clarity it is Mark Kyle, Kyle isn't his first name. He is too polite to say anything. But me being me, I thought I should say something. Anyway as some are aware, I did my pilot cert in a Jab LSA back in 1998 and honestly, things haven't changed much since then. Actually, I finished my cert in a Jab, I soloed in a drifter at the 11 hour mark and my training up until that stage was done with HITC who is a member here. The 582 2 stroke Rotax was more reliable by my experience compared to the Jab anchor.
  12. Nope, well not when I was in. We had deep level maintenance repair and over haul facilities. As a example I used to work in the undercarriage work shop at Amberley for a couple of years. We used rebuilt components from scratch.
  13. I feel deja vu when I read this.
  14. Nothing jacks me off more than a nut or bolt over tightened.
  15. There are dishonest people in every industry. Just the dept varies.
  16. That is the latest aircraft from Zlin Savage.
  17. Howdy Patrick and welcome
  18. Awesome, I vote that we get a stall speed and weight increase to allow the Grumman Ag cat to be RAA registered.
  19. Secret Squirrel business.
  20. Yeah you would vote for her as you are a Labor supporter. Where as I am a Liberal supporter so I would like Julie Bishop as PM.
  21. Nah I finished my pilot cert with Skyfox flight training in 1998. But I have been hiring aircraft from Airsport since 2008.
  22. I hire a Tecnam Golf from Airsport Qld at Boonah. Travel time is approx 1:15 from the Gold Coast. The CFI (ATPL) has 26 000 plus hours.
  23. The way you use emoticons looks fine to me.
  24. I only spent 6 weeks at reseal deseal. But being a airframe fitter all of us from time to time had to carry out repairs inside fuel tanks.
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