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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. When I started flying which was before I joined the RAAF and became a Airframe fitter, I used to look at Ultralights and wonder if they were airworthy ie - strong enough. As I learnt more and more about airframes and aircraft. I realised that the little bolts at the wing root that holds the wing on was certainly strong enough. As long as the pilots was behaving themselves.
  2. The russian secret service are now saying that the crash was caused by an external act. Time will tell.
  3. I realy admire your determination to jump over the hurdles that face you. Good on you
  4. The Cirrus is a good looking aeroplane in my opinion.
  5. People get laid off all the time ( like what just happened to me), but people have to be adaptable with multiple skills ( like me ) so they can work else where. In the modern era, nobody has a job for life. I was lucky as I was only unemployed for only one day and I am have gone back to commercial pool plumbing with a company I worked for previously for 12 years. That work may well end as well has it has previously. Apart from my 9.5 years in the RAAF, I have worked in the construction industry and as you know, the resource sector (gas). But I know that there is no such thing as permanent employment, so I make hay while the sun shines.
  6. Great effort to build the airport from nothing to CASA approval in 19 months. They should build the New Sydney Airport.
  7. We used Brasso on our belt buckles when in the RAAF at rookies.
  8. I watch Landline religiously, great show. Actually im watching it right now.
  9. Video has been released released from ISIS showning a airliner bing shot down. The video is on Knights Templar international.
  10. Where you fly also had a bearing on turbulence ect, at Boonah we are surrounded by mountains which are on the great divide. Pilots either have to get comfortable flying in turbulence or fly somewhere else to fly.
  11. In my case, I felt that I was ready, I am sure if I said that I didn't feel confident . Then it would of been fine and I wouldn't have gone solo. What I mean is there was no pressure to go solo at that point in time if that makes sense.
  12. It is interesting hearing that some instructors ask the student if they are ready to solo. I have heard this from time to time. I am not an instructor so I honestly dont know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. My first solo was in 1990 in a Drifter so I am going from memory, but im pretty sure Graham hopped out just after I did a couple of circuits and simply said that he as getting out and as he buckled the rear seat belts together and then he said the next circuit is on your own. Or something like that. I like the idea that I didnt know about it until the actual time it was happening.
  13. I just checked my endorsements and they appear to be correct. I reckon it would just be some minor issue with some members.
  14. Thanks mate, its all good, I will just go back to pool plumbing. Actually I have to ring my old boss this morning. He heard that I was made redundant and I got a message yesterday to ring him this morning. They have a big project coming up at Pacific Fair shopping centre. Probably water features to build.
  15. Well bend me over and tar me with a feather, you typed this when I was typing my post and I think that was the stuff we used in the RAAF.
  16. When I used to work in 501wing undercarriage work shop, I used to change out the F111 canopies . We also used to use a plastic polish. It was a white bottle but I cant remember the name if it. It was good stuff. Fast jets have their canopies made from an aircraft grade polycarbonate.
  17. Just a quick edit- I was included in the 1800 people made redundant at Origin.I received DCM phone call this morning, it wasnt really a surprise as the industry is going through downsizing. Its not the first time I have been made redundant, it happened in the construction industry as well. Origin was a great company to work for and I will miss the close freindships made over the last 3.5 years I worked for them. But nobody is owed a living so I guesd I will go back to plumbing swimming pools.
  18. There are fors and againsts having a BRS chute, but I think every pilot who ever finds themselves in a situation where they have been a silly billy and the airframe is bending and creaking, the airspeed is increasing and they come to the sudden realation that they are out of control and don't have the skills to save themselves or their aircraft. Will be thankful that their aircraft has a recovery chute and all the have to do is pull the handle.
  19. I'm surprised the media didn't call it a Cessna.
  20. I just finished reading the A32 Vixen flight review in the latest edition of the Australian Flying magazine. Sounds like it is a great LSA.
  21. It sounds like a money grab to me. What bulldust.
  22. Jesus, Australia is getting more like America everyday.
  23. Yup, It was definitely quicker in cruise than the P92 Echo Super . I used to fly both and swap between the two. Now I just fly a Teccy Golf.
  24. I used to fly an Eaglette but it didnt cruise at 116 knots, but I used to fly it at 4900 rpm in cruise. It may get there at 5000 plus. But it did cruise over 100 at 4900 RPM. I havent flown an Eaglette for a few year though.
  25. Lovely looking aircraft Scott
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