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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Interesting reading, thanks Dr Zoos
  2. No worries, thanks anyway
  3. Switching from left hand on stick, right hand on throttle to right hand on stick left hand on throttle is only a 5 second conversion. I have swapped from one to the other during the same day flying different aircraft and have never had a problem.
  4. Mainly Ipad
  5. Nah I just don't know enough about the ins and outs of resizing photos ect. I tried a couple of times and it didn't work so I gave up.
  6. It is a lot easier to add photos to FB, all you have to do on a iphone or Ipad is simply tick the photo and the press one button.I have plenty on there but none on here, too many hoops to jump through with resizing ect. I find it to difficult.
  7. Err, it is a woman right ?
  8. I can only guess it is because of the different languages. Were as in my case and Nevs case, all the countries involved speak english.
  9. They Hummer was designed as a soft skin vehicle then modified to try and protect the occupants. This vehicle was designed from the ground up to protect the occupants. Its like comparing apples and oranges.
  10. Yup after spending nearly 5 months in the mother country doing the Tornado Jet course. I came back with a british accent but it naturally went away after about a month or two.
  11. Thanks all of the above for your posts. What I can gather is there is even more complications and confusion in the past as some people who have not renewed for a while and rejoined have not been issued there original membership number. Now we get even more corrupted data. We could have worked out how many people have been and gone from the AUF/RAA by a looking at the latest membership number , lets say at a guess 25 000. Then we could have looked at current financial members of say 10 000. We then would have deduced that over the time we have had 15000 who have tried ultralight flying but moved on to other things or retired from fly ect. Now it appears that some people have been issued more than one membership number in the past. So now we dont really know how many people in total have ever joined? Of course it is probably useless data anyway, but it made it easier to see how many actual individuals have joined in total.
  12. They should have reissued your original membership number to you Scott ( as long as you gave them your original number to you when you rejoined ).
  13. I joined in the first part of 1988 and my membership number and pilot cert number is 001715. So it would appear that it was in numerical sequence back then. It is interesting some of the other members numbers though .
  14. I interesting Sue, membership numbers were issued in a numerical order. Dunno what happened with your husbands number. From number 1 to approx member 2000 when from the very first day until around 1990.
  15. Graham sent me solo in 1990 at Boonah.
  16. HITC was my very first ultralight instructor , I know Peter Read (we still keep in touch is still keep in touch on FB) is still instructing down in Tassie.
  17. They should have given you your original membership number when you rejoined, people have to give them their original number on the application form when rejoining . Nobody else should be using your old number as they are only to be issued once and that would have been to you originally. I left for a while ( as in I didnt renew my membership for a few years) then came back and kept my original AUF membership number. My number is 171x . Around 1987/1988 Interesting to hear that they may have lost your orignal records, thats a bugger.
  18. It would be interest to know how many of us are left with a membeship number less than say 2000 ?
  19. Yup that sounds about right.
  20. I said what it stood for in post 14
  21. Yup I remember it Bruce. He was never heard from again. He was in a C182 and it happened in 1978. His name was Frederick somebody and he tried to join the RAAF twice but failed the entry examinations.
  22. And remember, just fly the plane. I cant stress that enough. If/ when things ever get pair shaped, forget radio calls, forget navigation, just fly the plane. So many people are dead because they got flustered and forgot the basic rule of flying the aircraft when in a spot of bother. They made things too complicated.
  23. Fair enough Happy flyer, sorry Ada, if I have said something to upset you. You are obviously very intelligent. Imo some of the questions you ask are a lot more in dept than what is needed in general light aircraft flying wether GA or RAA. There is nothing wrong with knowing the ends and outs of everything. No need to get too anal about the nitty gritty. But each to their own. Have you ever thought of being a test pilot ? Your thirst for knowledge fits that occupation. Where as me, well I am just a red neck Queenslander with too many guns. Lol
  24. Come on guys, no need for pesonal attacks.
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