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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. So when you're on base, do does this stuff go through your mind ? If so, I suggest you give flying away and take up knitting.
  2. Equivalent airspeed
  3. It's all good Chris, it has happened plenty of times when two threads are created on the same issue at the same time with breaking news.
  4. You may still be right Russ, I am only going by what I have seen around SE QLD.
  5. Jeez 80 % of aircraft used for training are Jabiru's seems pretty optimistic, the most popular RAA trainers around here are Tecnams and Foxbats. Do you have an official link ?
  6. I googled the definition of tail spin and the general consensus is that it means " an aircraft in a spiral dive ".
  7. The boxer R1200GS became liquid cooled in 2013,
  8. VFE on the Tecnam Golf isnt much higher at 60 knots. It would be better if it was around 70 knots.
  9. You're not serious are you ?
  10. Better tighten the power back up then.
  11. My KTM 1190 Adventure uses Bosch electrics.
  12. That is old school thinking, KTM have for years made great competitive MX bikes, oh and KTM have been making the best enduro bikes for years. They also have won more enduro championships than any than brand. Then there is the Dakar rally, KTM has won that more than any other brand . I think that just abouts covers it,
  13. Fellas, if you want european quality and japanese reliability, buy a KTM.( BMW are both reliable and quality but it makes my post pointless, so we wont go there);
  14. This is ridiculous and will be the final nail in the GA coffin.
  15. I fly during the week at a quiet airfield. I give a mid down call and a base call and thats it. ( unless there is a need for more ).
  16. For clarity -The heading of this post has it wrong - there is no airbases closing, it is child care places closing because of the noise.
  17. Welcome Dan
  18. Nice but I would need to win lotto to be able to buy one.
  19. This thread is a classic reason why we need an increase weight limit so aircraft can be designed with bigger fuel tanks in mind so pilots can fly by these sorts of places at low level and give the royal salute .
  20. I bought a full leather motorcycle jacket with body armour from Aldi a few years ago for a massive $99 , it is made it Pakistan , it has been brilliant. Nothing what so ever has gone wrong at all with it. Thumb up for cheap Aldi stuff.
  21. Jesus, it sounds like some of these guys should be taken on a one way trip out to the desert.
  22. It looks like it's been taxied into a brick wall.
  23. It would be very profitable for them when the take the drum back half full, then fill it full and charge the next person for a full drum.
  24. I hope CASA is reading this.
  25. There must be instructors out there who earn every single cent of their instructors pay when they come across super anal studnts that must question every single thing.
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