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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. Its a corrupt system they use if it is as you say above, dont like the 10 minute extensions, thats fraud, it should finish at the finishing time period.
  2. don't believe everything you see on Wikipedia because most of it is submitted by you and me and may not be perfectly accurate or it may be specific to some country which has a limit of 560 kg or 540 kg or whatever it is
  3. they used to be imported through our local airfield. I don't think they were ever 540 kg. All of the ones I saw were 600 kg and I know the early ones used to wobble through turbulence but the later model which they called the S4 was rocksolid and could fly through a hurricane without losing stability or direction. They seem to be a very well-made and well supported aircraft. The only downside was if you were fat and overweight (I guess you can't be one or the other) and had week upper body it was a little bit difficult to get yourself in and out of the seat some of the heavier and older members had this issue but if you are fit and didn't have 80 years behind you you could do it pretty easily. I found the controls to be very well-balanced and it was honestly like flying your own little fighter jet!
  4. You are lighter when you land with flat batteries (in theory)
  5. Its flown a few circuits on its own, duration about 15 minutes. The stories i could tell you !
  6. The article is from 2016 ? These guys are almost gone, all smoke and mirrors from George Bye. They say if you invest with him your $$ will be Bye-Bye.
  7. it's funny that they don't appear on any of the other photographs so it may be a product development test or something like that ?
  8. the name of the aircraft very obviously came from the shape of the wing. I can't say I have ever seen any of these around in my travels. The photograph underneath the wing shows some unusual fencing, I can't figure that one out ?
  9. I had to read it three times but eventually got it !
  10. That ruined their day !
  11. this just seems to be a USA recommendation from the people that sell the additive. If you ring the Rotax importers in Australia they will tell you not to use any additives under any circumstances. Just saying, if someone can make a dollar out of something and make people believe they need it then they will. 5400 rpm all day long, no problems. 5000 rpm all day long you will use oil especially if you load up the propeller.
  12. Old Koreelah, please don't be under any other illusion than if we can afford an aeroplane, we we will turn up to the airport in our brand-new super Tesla vehicle, takeoff our Rolex watch, to finish our seafood lunch lobster buffet before we take to the skies after our ramp boy has finished fueling the plane. At least this is the illusion that most councils have when it comes to people who own aircraft !
  13. I don't know if that is appropriate when you look at all of the oil stains on the bottom of the aircraft. It looks like a major failure of the engine and there is oil everywhere but if you prefer to say he ran out of fuel, that is okay
  14. "A Jabiru UL-450 overturned during a forced landing in a field near Imbil, S of Gympie, Queensland. The pilot was not inured. The engine of the aircraft had failed as the pilot was flying home after purchasing the aircraft." Not a happy camper.
  15. they are going to be making them again but it will be a different design to the original and they are not supporting any of the originals according to a presentation I went to a couple of weeks ago. Apparently there are new owners now in Sydney
  16. SONY PYXIS. IPS-360 That should be in a museum ! I seem to remember that they would only work stationary, they wouldn't work for a moving vehicle/aeroplane/somebody walking
  17. As Mc Guyver has said, you will need to check with the manufacturer. As these trikes are considered "certified aircraft" then you need to be very concerned with the ongoing airworthiness, and you will probably be at the wrong end of CASA if you swap these over without a paperwork trial from airborne.
  18. if you look at the vibrations through the control column then the machine is very much telling him it doesn't like doing these manoeuvres. Its shaking like crazy and he has the "grip of death" on that stick ! "He is here for a good time... not a long time !"
  19. Its ok, he was wearing a helmet !
  20. It would help if you said a few words about the man, what exactly did he do that warrants a museum ? sorry to ask this dumb question but I just don't know and haven't heard of him
  21. Just get an adaptor and it will work again, they are only a few dollars
  22. The old bonfire was so big that it made telegraph poles look like twigs. The fire had to get put out otherwise it would burn for weeks. I used to love the rodeo, one night however a young lady fell off only a metre from where we were sitting and broke her pelvis and had to get airlifted out. That was the start of the end with all of the legal action afterwards
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