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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. I can see a couple of hurdles for you. We won't let you into Queensland because you won't let Queensland into WA (not your fault I know) hopefully the borders will have opened by then. Then, regarding flight to New Zealand, we have had a couple of people from our airfield try, and it has been a disaster. You will not get permission if you are RA-Aus EVER, and if you are VH registered you will only get approval if you are IFR rated and the aircraft also is IFR approved. The reason is, there are no visual flight references and you must comply with Australian regulations for VFR flight EG a visual fix every 30 minutes. If you are not Australian registered, like for example you are registered in New Zealand all are USA registered then there is no problems because they don't have the same 30 minute VFR reference. Also, you do have the requirement for transoceanic safety equipment, and somebody told me a few months ago you also need to have insurance for something like $10 million to pay for any recovery efforts before Australia will let you leave. Finally, I am very positive we could find you a hangar space at Heck Field
  2. Showing me its infected with a Trojan
  3. You are forgetting one of the most important things, the slower you are going the longer you are affected by the headwind so you wiil therefore use more fuel than you will going fast because you are affected by the headwind for longer
  4. People use incorrect call signs all the time. When I had a glider I would quite often get landing fees for places like Darwin, Jandacott and other remote places 3000 km away from where the glider was based. It then took three months of arguing to say I didn't fly from Mount Isa to Darwin in one day ! I have no problem whatsoever making a contribution if it goes straight to the operator but when you have 1/3 party taking 60% of the income then it really annoys me. You have to remember that a lot of the facilities are actually partly funded by the government so we are paying for them indirectly through our taxes. If the airport is owned by a local council then we are paying already through our rates. Imagine if there was a charge that could be enforced for using something like a boat ramp, or going to the park for a picnic. Don't get me started on fishing licenses for the two or three times a year I go fishing. (and never catch anything)
  5. Simple, just have a weight limit like a lot of other airports have. Anything under 1500 kg is exempt from charges, anything with an RA-Aus registration is exempt from charges. They have no effect on the durability of the airport with regards to maintenance but they have a huge influence on People buying fuel, Staying in accommodation, eating at restaurants and using taxi services. I know back when I was flying a lot I would not avoid, but have a preference for, airports with facilities that didn't charge recreational aircraft. I am guessing with an overnight stop and fuel and taxis and food I would be putting $400 into the community every overnight stop. 500 of these recreational aircraft every year and it is another $200,000 into the local food chain, something that cannot be sneezed at ! A couple of problems for the airports is that a private company does the planning fee charges for the airport owners. I have heard that if the landing fees are $10 then the airport owner gets only $4 dollars and the rest is going to Avdata Or whatever they are called so, the airport themselves are not getting the majority of the funds. Also, Avdata has a vested interest in charging every movement because this means they are getting more money. Piss them off and make it free for everybody except RPT
  6. Yes i have one to sell and started that rumor ! Honestly I don't know ?
  7. Used in the "Ice Break" milk ads in the early 2,000's I remember them painting the plane in a silicone paint that pressure washed off after filming. Enjoy
  8. The best/worst movie has to be Howard the Duck with some great footage and some terrible footage at the same time. Amazing what the old quicksilver MX2 could do !
  9. I have one for sale, make an offer. Done about 10 kms only
  10. Not everyone flies a 50 knot aircraft anymore. They don't even even make engines for then any longer.
  11. Or a drone, or a satellite ?
  12. people selling the cheaper aircraft are obviously not making as much money and therefore can't afford to run the expensive advertising that somebody selling a really expensive aircraft could afford. My friend (whose name I can't mention here for some reason) at the airport who sells X-Air's said that he made only just under $1800 on a $20,000 X-Air aircraft. From this he had to take importation costs and other hidden importation fees and in the end it was only about $800-$1000 profit per aircraft. It costs more than that to put an ad in the magazine every month so he would have to sell at least one aircraft a month just to pay for the advertising, hardly a successful business model. This is the reason why people are not advertising entry-level aircraft in the RA-Aus. There is just no money in it, by the time they get a bit of transport damage or something else which is not covered under insurance or warranty you can sell an aircraft and go backwards I am guessing.
  13. I tried giving my 20 to 30-year-old sons a street directory and told them this is how we used to get to where we were going. They were absolutely flabbergasted why we were allowed to drive, hold a street directory, a Coke and a cigarette all at the same time. They just couldn't work it out, What happens when you get to the end of the map and why doesn't the next page just line up with the page you are on.
  14. you should have just gone the JB hi-fi rather than wasting your time in office works. 90% of what they have available for sale is now only available through their website and it is drop shipped by importers. also, to be fair there are several aircraft importers at our airfield and I know they all have stock available for immediate sale so there are people who have the investment in the industry, the future and in sales
  15. Motivated to go. eg powered
  16. No-one wants a singe seat aircraft with tiny payload and no engine manufacturers to suit the design. We are all to fat to fit these days, shame because its a lovely airplane. Find a CHEAP and reliable engine, extend the payload some 30 kgs and then Steve might have a sale.
  17. the increase is such a small cost to cover from the different membership levels that you sell. you also have supplier section, they would have to pay to advertise on the website as well I am guessing. If you can't cover $300 per year which is less than $10 per week then you have to find other ways to support the website. I would help, but my exotic dancing days are over! (knee injury)
  18. they talked extensively about RA-Aus going to AirVenture at one of the presentations at our airfield. Whilst, several people went most of the things were funded by them as individuals including the time taken away from work. The total cost to RA-Aus was less than $2000 and this included one return airfare from Canberra to Chicago. All other costs of the other people in the team, accommodation, food and everything else was born by the individual. The reason that they went from memory was to establish a very strong relationship with the EAA and also get involved in the ASTM process so they understood exactly what was going on with light sport aircraft that are validated to ASTM standards. sure, they had a few drinks in the afternoon with different groups but that is part of networking. I say again the total cost was less than $2000 and RA-Aus believe they have this back tenfold in new or improved relationships that truly benefit the organization. Again, I'm just parroting what they said at the meeting from memory about 2 years ago
  19. agreed
  20. what the %$#@# people like this are allowed to breed ?? this is the biggest load of drivel I have read in a long time. I love the fact that you can go to a court and say one of the following, A, B or C but there is no C ? this was 15 minutes of my life I have lost forever and can't get back. If any person ever makes any 'claim' upon your 'business' or 'self' you must never employ a 'solicitor' but simply state to the other or the court A or B or C A - It was my fault and I am sorry and if I am able, I will make restitution as I do my best to compensate the 'loser,' but I can never pay any 'fine.' B - It was your own error and thus not my fault and I cannot pay any compensation to you even if I am commanded to so do. Gary, please now consider the following: "ANYWAY" I have now found the real reason behind all of this drivel, like most religious based activities it is about money http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/enlight.htm it even has a link where you can make payment to continue the authors good work. Jeez
  21. A few of them out there in various configurations but to me they just looked wrong in the tail. It doesn't look like the fuselage is long enough and the distance is too short between the wing and horizontal stabiliser. It could just be an optical issue and nothing to do with the design but the tail end just looks to chunky/heavy when we are all trying to get the most sexy aircraft that we can. Whatever happened to Gary, I know we survived what should have been a fatal accident in New Zealand that then he just disappeared into the darkness ?
  22. Sorry BUT a board member is not a director
  23. Still no copy of Sport Pilot in my mailbox ?
  24. honestly, if he was really serious he would do it with semitrailers coming the opposite direction !
  25. it's Australia Post. I sent something express post from Brisbane to Sydney and it took 16 days. Even though I could track it all the way and putting official complaint they said that the only thing they would do to compensate is a free express post mailbag and they wanted me to provide a receipt saying that I purchased the mailbag and from what post office, I told them that was stupid and they needed to get a life. Then they told me they would look into it and I have to provide proof of posting ? I politely told them that it was put into the express post mailbox and it was entered into THEIR tracking system. In the end I just gave up. If they get 10,000 of these every day who just give up that is a lot of money they don't have to pay out at $16 a mailbag
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