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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. According to the advice we received at our club meeting when asking who we should vote for, apparently Rod is only there for the title and doesn't do the work needed. He "claims" to be "the Director" of the company. Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus) this is not true https://au.linkedin.com/in/rodney-birrell He claims also to be the CEO of topaz sport aircraft but the name is not listed with ASIC and is available for registration Yes. This business name is still available. TOPAZ SPORT AIRCRAFT Get this name now Secure it today before someone else does! whilst this does not show any criminal actions it does show that being entirely truthful and accurate about these facts is questionable. Personally, I voted for the other 2 guys but, I take my hat off to anybody who put their name forward !
  2. I'm sorry but I fail to understand how using left-hand Drive vehicles (of which I currently own 5) is going to make any difference to Australia's road system. Just because we go left-hand drive vehicles doesn''t mean we have to change the side of the road that we drive on ?
  3. Ford also offers an F-150 Lightning Pro model, which strips out luxury features, adds unpainted black plastic bumpers, vinyl seats, and enjoys a starting price of $US39,974 ($55,000) how could we get one in Australia for less than $150,000 ? they should be $55,000 plus a little bit extra for shipping and may be GST, but say $66,000 ready to roll. Absolutely no chance that this could ever happen in Australia
  4. Where are the video's showing engines running ? if you go to the video channel it has zero videos looks like vapourware
  5. The link is broken / gone ?
  6. The vampire aircraft has a broken image link, just letting you know the front on image is not working

    1. red750


      Thank you. However they all come up OK on my laptop. Which one is it? The heading photo is black and white because it is the only suitable photo I could find of the plane in flight. The four in the middle section also come up OK for me. 930 profiles and I've never had a problem like that before. The photos are all uploaded to Ian's server.

    2. red750


      Site problem reported to Ian.

  7. the report that I read was that the movement was so aggressive no amount off force on your feet could stop the rudder moving
  8. ?? What is the "usual place"
  9. I think you mean they are designed to whether cock ?
  10. Yes of course, It's like a huge trim tab but at the front of the aircraft rather than the back. I remember reading about some very fast aircraft in the US that with the flow without wheel pants even though it is a requirement of the manufacturer. On rare occasions the wind would catch the front wheel doing 150 kn and turn it to the maximum limit instantly. It caused some of the doors to blow in on the aircraft and people actually got hurt because the heads hit the doors or reach other. The response was extremely violent. I will see if I can find the article, it was on the EAA website
  11. this is the problem with newly all of the people in our segment of aviation (including myself) we are all too old, worn out and put away wet ! I would much rather see complaints coming through that people needed to shave for the first time or something like that looking forward to a career or hobby in aviation rather than dropping off because we are past our use by dates.
  12. Who cares, they are having fun and not growing old behind a keyboard like the rest of us !
  13. especially in the USA, let's say the guy was pulled out of the wreckage but became a paraplegic and he would sue the rescuers saying that the way they pulled him out of the wreckage caused his paraplegia. A lot of people in the US are simply afraid of litigation to offer assistance in an accident
  14. I had a straight tail 182 for years and I know they are heavy, but they are not that heavy you can't control them. This guy was a pro from what i am seeing online
  15. I think he is off on A tangent because he seems to be so personally invested. I have never seen an aircraft where you cannot overpower the trim, I doubt it would even get through certification if it was something close because there are limits on the amounts of control forces that are allowable through the design
  16. I knew you were going to say this even before you did! The little chip you had implanted during your injection told me. Seriously, I agree with you. It is now gone too far not to get vaccinated
  17. Hirth are no longer made from the last news i heard, that was about 2 years ago. The new Yamaha might fit that market perfectly !
  18. They stopped building new ones last year with the start of Covid, they are selling factory inventory stock at the moment, this is expected to last till the end of 2021. You must be reading a different report to me ?
  19. https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/component/k2/item/75-rotax-582-end-of-production
  20. https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/60164/do-birds-ever-fly-in-clouds
  21. All of this and it can only lift 10 tons and do 80 kn ? I saw the good year blimp at Oshkosh trying to land just before a storm front. It was one of the most dangerous things I have ever seen. As it happens they were actually doing a live cross at the time for the Chicago news which got replayed just about everywhere and the reporter was getting violently thrown around, one minute she was on the floor, the next minute she was on the roof and she was screaming "we are going to die" they cut away from the story after that but said afterward she survived without a scratch. She did a follow-up later in the evening bulletin saying they hit some minor turbulence and she apologized for swearing etc. in calm winds, these things must be fantastic but if you get anywhere near a storm front I think you are lucky to live because not only does it go up and down it also goes left to right, sideways and every other direction at the same time. After the storm it passed through we went over and spoke to some of the guys who are looking after the mooring mast and they said it was the closest to disaster they had ever seen. This blimp pictured above is about 4 times bigger which probably makes it 10 times less maneuverable
  22. You really are a glass half empty person Spacey ! 😇
  23. To do this properly you need to run a trailing pitot and static. I will see if I can pull-up the report on all of this. Its very interesting how you can't use the built-in system for absolute accuracy. the photo was a design from the leading edge on an extension pole which could take normal readings and also readings without angle of attack measurements and you could see of the differences, sometimes many knots. They also trailed sensors out the back about 30 m behind the aircraft away from influences, there was a retractable system that came out of the wingtip. The report was done by the café foundation in Sonoma California. I will have to have a good dig to see if I can find it, but the end result was, the system used on the aircraft is nowhere near accurate enough for critical design information and it must be done properly with independent instrumentation and calibration
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