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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. That was a waste of a good classic car.
  2. just as a comment and not as a criticism, I'm not really sure if I like the look of this aircraft ? it seems to be a little bit taken from here, and a little bit taken from their, and everything put together into this model. It is a very clean looking aircraft as it does not have wing struts and it has the efficiency of T tail so I would have expected the cruise speed to be better than the quoted 92 kn because it looks very clean in comparison to some other aircraft who can cruise faster. I am not sure I have ever seen this model in Australia at any of our fly-ins ? I have just been looking online for a bit more information and it seems that the manufacturers websites no longer exist so it may be another design that has ceased production
  3. Rate of Climb: 5.3 m/s (1,040 ft/min) solo 3.81 m/s (13 ft/s) dual 3.81 m/s is calculated wrong in fpm/fps ?
  4. We had one passing through our airport and stopped for weather. Looked good from a distance but up close the paint was shiny but the rest was a little rough imo and that of others. Ended up full of water due leaks around doors, there were no drain holes in the fuselage. The pilot was flying the AC to a new home and he wouldn't or couldn't say too many nice things about it especially cruise speed.
  5. I wonder if the drone is registered and the operators licenced ?
  6. Do you have a ground lead to your body when you are flying ? I would recommend around 1100 mm of braid attached to your thigh with a small screw for each flight
  7. Wasn't the flying Dr all started by John Flynn ? Anyway, I saw the program and thought it was really good
  8. FlyBoy1960

    Titanium Explorer

  9. FlyBoy1960

    Titanium Explorer

    I was looking at one of these with a friend at the airfield not long ago but I don't know if the manufacturer is still in business because there have been no updates to their website since 2016 ? Reports were that they are a very nice machine to fly
  10. Yes, i was always cold plus 2 as the final setting, you just leave it at that. You wont loose hearing people because its so sensitive.
  11. thanks for the clarification, if it only happens when you receive does it happen at idle, that cruise and at full throttle or is it a different level of sound or is it the same in all three engine settings
  12. Start by identifying where the noise is coming from. It is pretty simple; use the intercom on/off/isolate switch to turn the Intercom to the off position. If the noise instantly stops then it tells you that you need to raise the squelch level on the intercom which needs to be adjusted higher until the noise goes away. If the noise stays there exactly the same then you need to turn up the radio squelch until the noise cuts out. If you can't cut out the noise using the radio squelch whilst the intercom is turned off then you have to look for other problems. When I had the XCOM installed in my aircraft I had a similar problem and contacted the technical people. They told me to do exactly this but the only extra thing which they mentioned is that when the radio gets really warm the squelch will adjust by itself marginally because the tolerances inside change between cold and hot. Once I had the squelch worked out and realised there were two completely different sources of squelch and I adjusted it when it was hot it never needed adjusting again for the time that I had the aircraft. It was a great little unit and had a fantastic receiver sensitivity, I could hear things when I was flying on trips with other people that they couldn't hear. For example I could pick up the ATIS more than 100 miles away and they were struggling to get it with their Garmin and Microair at 30 miles. I was very happy with this XCOM radio
  13. Sorry Ben, i cant remember. Kylie Communications on this site would know
  14. or, white for Jabiru 😇
  15. looking at the holes above the radio it appears to me that your aircraft was originally set up for a microair using a separate intercom system because you can see the holes there for something like a Sigtronics SPA-4S or something similar. I would pull everything out including that extra board which is not needed with the XCOM and just wire it up according to the diagram which I sent through. This is exactly what I did and it worked perfectly for years until I sold the aircraft and is probably still working fine today
  16. Thank goodness for Glacier Backup XCOM-Radio-UHF-WD.pdf
  17. I would get rid of everything that is there because it is unnecessary. When I built my old plane I had an XCOM with a VHF and UHF. There is an intercom switch which is on/off/isolate and then there is another switch which moves the microphone from VHF to UHF. This means you cannot transmit on UHF and VHF at the same time which is obvious but you can receive on both. The wiring harness was nothing at all like what you have got in there. I think the aircraft may have had another brand of radio but you certainly don't need anything like this with the XCOM. somewhere, I still have the diagrams, sorry this is all I can find now but I do know there is one for UHF connection. I will have a look later on for you. XCOM Harness How to Check Out.pdf
  18. what amazes me is that people don't do stalls at a real throttle setting. Doing stalls at idle is a waste of time because the aircraft are normally behaving at their levels of best behaviour. When my original training was done stalls were always performed at about three quarters power setting and sometimes at full power setting because that is when you are normally going to get bit. When you are climbing out and trying to get over some trees ahead of you or something like that. Stalls at idle really don't simulate real-life stalls. I would like to see a video of stalls at let's say 5000 rpm or higher. I think then we can get a better idea of the aircraft's stall behaviour
  19. sorry but I can only quote what they told me and many others at the meeting that nothing has changed with 95.10 since it was introduced. if there have been changes then you should contact the RA--Aus and ask why changes have been made to civil aviation order 95.10 and how they affect you. What they did say is that anything that ever gets changed is preceded by an NPRM by a certain period of time to allow for industry consultation and comments from those affected. Most of the time there are no comments so the changes just go through. They did say that for 95.10 pilots nothing had changed since 1997 so if it has chase them up
  20. I watched the AGM online and I also went to the recent seminar at our airfield which was meet the new CEO etc. One thing that was implied over and over is that all of the grizzling from 95.10 People is a waste of time. For this end of tthe market absolutely nothing has changed and nothing ever will change. By these members screaming about how their rights are being dissolved and everything else is simply not true and a member flying grassroots aircraft 15 years ago or 20 years ago still has exactly the same opportunities and conditions as they have now. It seemed like this segment of aviation just wanted to be vocal and complain for no real reason. From what I heard both events, I do have confidence that they are looking after our interests as recreational aviators in a rapidly changing environment with pressures from CASA, Air Services, airspace changes and safety. From everything I saw I believe they are doing very good job on a reasonably limited budget. I don't understand what you mean by wanting more freedom. You can take off from a deserted bleach near Byron Bay and fly all the way over to the most westerly point of Australia without using your radio a single time if this is what you want to do. You do not need to get permission or comply with 1 million rules and regulations so I don't know what more freedoms you want. There is probably no other country in the world that you can do this without restrictions. Are you happy flying around now compared to say five years ago or compared to say 10 years ago ? For me respectfully, this is a stupid question. We always look back on the "good old days" with affections that mellow over time. Simplistically put, there is no real difference if you just want to have recreational fun and do so within some fairly generous rules which are in place to protect all aviators. Just like there are rules on the road there are rules in the air, enjoy what you can and stop complaining !
  21. interesting aeroplane. It has a rate of climb of 19,000 ft/m but they claim it was underpowered ? it is really amazing they did all of this now more than 70 years ago!
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