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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. no idea, I was just looking at the specs and there is no audio output. No mention of being able to run a speaker in the specifications which is something I would have expected if it was a feature. Perhaps they just copied and pasted from another advertisement for a different product, who knows ?
  2. This is a knockoff radio made by Nigel Andrews who originally did the engineering for Microair and I think some original work for XCOM in the very early days on the design if my memory serves me correctly. From what I was told he spent a couple of years marketing the design around the globe trying to get a buyer and I believe it is now made in Turkey or Ukraine, I honestly can't remember. You will see it has identical display to the Microair (e.g. the exact same LCD), just a few of the buttons on the front display are slightly different as they have replaced the silver toggle switches which the original Microair had. It is a shame that it has no audio output for a glider speaker, looks like you have to wear a headset ?
  3. if you couldn't see them then you must have been reading a different document to the one I was reading ? Examples were from memory, Declaring ASTM compliance before any spin testing was completed on that model of aircraft, and continuing to declare compliance for four years until spin testing was completed. This was acknowledged by the respondent as an oversight ? Declaring ASTM compliance for aircraft that did not meet payload requirements in the LSA category (e.g. they are too heavy) Affected four or five aircraft from memory Signing documents to declare compliance without validating that any of the compliance had been met on new models or new variants of those models which required revalidation before they could be sold as LSA compliant. it was interesting reading even though a lot of the things the same over and over again. To me it shows that self compliance may not be the answer to everything because manufacturers/distributors/agents can still make honest mistakes or make mistakes that are to the benefit of the manufacturer. Claiming just a couple of fatality's around the world is quickly shot down by quick Google search. It makes you think if they are lying about things like this what else are they lying about ? I won't comment further about this, it is really none of my business or interest, it is just that I found reading the document while waiting for my Covid shot was interesting and enlightening to see how this stuff works behind-the-scenes
  4. The link in the AOPA article is pretty damming if you have the hour to read through it, Bristell and their agents have pulled some major shonkies along the way and CASA are just bringing them back in line. https://aopa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Submission-to-CASA-Edited-for-Distribution_Redacted.pdf I feel the AOPA article just cherry picked what it wanted from the CASA stuff to grind the axe with RA-Aus and CASA From this site i can see at least 15 fatalities in this plane alone tinyurl.com/yjxapmqe not the 3 stated by the manufacturer
  5. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Fly-In Breakfast Saturday March 27th 8am The Gold Coast Sports Flying Club is having another of it's (soon to be legendary) breakfasts at Heck Field Airport on Saturday the 27th of March with breakfast being served between 8 AM and 10 AM. For catering purposes we would ask you to purchase your ticket online using the following link which will allow you make payment with PayPal. https://www.gcsfc.org.au/breakfast-booking/ For only $15 you can enjoy our deluxe breakfast, which includes an English muffin layered with Salmon, a Poached Egg and drizzled with a Benedict sauce to kill for and your fill of tea or coffee. https://www.gcsfc.org.au/breakfast-booking/ For those with more basic tastes, (Jabiru pilots), we also have the traditional sausage sandwich breakfast which can be purchased on the day. It is important that you book for our deluxe breakfast because the catering and preparations do take some time. We look forward to catching up with members and our friends from other clubs at the Gold Coast Sports Flying Club breakfast on Saturday March 27. See you soon ! Please book https://www.gcsfc.org.au/breakfast-booking/
  6. I thought they would be more dignified ways to drain out the oil ?
  7. Yikes, the last landing had the undercarriage retract and the grinding sound is terrible great video however I really enjoyed it
  8. From what I heard there are a lot of things that Paul did that one not in the interests of the Association. All this came out after he resigned some two years later. At least now the RA-Aus seems to be more accountable with less deals done under the table
  9. I read something about Mahepa project with hydrogen fuel cells powering an electric / battery combo. They can cross the Atlantic for about $30 of hydrogen which is made by wind turbines in the early morning when they have lower output needed for houses, etc. You are right though Kyle, we will be long gone before we see it in a sport aircraft
  10. Found the video
  11. Just wondered what happened, anything of note or interest. I notice the email accountment had the time but didn't list the time zone, eg Sydney, Perth etc.
  12. You need to adjust the antenna length, check all the cable for the appropriate resistance to make sure it is not degraded by water all the fittings have not been crimped correctly but it is mainly due to the aerial length. Can you tell me what type of aerial is fitted to the aircraft, the ground plane and the type of coaxial used. There are other experts here like Kyle who can give you much better information than I can
  13. if the noise varies depending on frequency then it is Antenna VSWR which is at fault. Probably drop an antenna analyzer into the system and get it to plot a graph. One of the guys at our airport as this fantastic one where you connect it up, press a button and it displays a graph of the aerial VSWR across the entire aviation frequency range, expensive bit of kit but it does the job in about 30 seconds
  14. So, where can we find out more about Tori ?
  15. I see that this is painted the same colour as all of the Soar aircraft. I am wondering why it's not listed in the auction ? it has a website listed on the side http://www.spicebomb.com/ but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be anything there to find out more
  16. A quick search shows the aircraft as the same one that crashed near our airfield about five years ago and killed a young person doing the "joy flight" https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2015/aair/ao-2015-150/ The investigation shows the aircraft as being destroyed, but it was obviously worthwhile to restore to some person
  17. I know the aircraft was an absolute disaster for everyone but to think a two cylinder two stroke engine producing 70 hp could send this along at 200 kn and get nearly 2000 ft/m climb rate at sea level, just amazing
  18. Not blaming you, just saying it doesnt make any sense. You would expect it to be at least another 1,000 fpm on top of what is written otherwise with a hang glider on the back it would only do 100 fpm, hardy an efficient launch vehicle.
  19. there must be something wrong in the specifications. It says that the aircraft is designed for Aero towing and the 80 hp engine is the minimum but the climb rate is terrible. 550 ft/m with one person. This would certainly not make a good aircraft to tow hang gliders. Perhaps it is a mistake in the specifications?
  20. There is a lovely lady in Ballarat called Louise in her Jabi contact the museum, they all know her. She is a bit of an adventurer and gets around (not in that way) Skilled pilot, as well as a lovely lady !
  21. His description it is extremely accurate and exactly how they work. In my opinion an option is meant to have a start and finish but pickles have a moving end time and a lot of people know this and can manipulate the auction. sometimes the sellers even bid to get the price up
  22. it is illegal to stick the vinyl onto the glass ! there have been multiple accidents reported where the glass has simply rotated within the instrument. These are not pressurised instruments or anything like that and only rely on a small rubber fitting to stop the glass from rotating. I remember reading an article not so long ago on a Savage CUB aircraft in the USA where the glass had rotated, not much maybe 1/10 of a turn but that was enough to cause a massive screwup and a stall spin that claimed two lives. This accident had video and commentary and you can see the glass rotating throughout the flight. It would go one way and then the other. Please don't do it because it is a stupid idea. They are easy enough to pull apart the basic ultralight ones and put the stickers on the inside of the instrument on the actual face and there are also companies that do this for you for about $80
  23. In China you get what you pay for. If you want to pay the least possible price then you get absolute crap. If you want to pay a fair and reasonable price then you can get a good product and in some cases the best product manufacturing in the world. It is not fair to say that everything that comes out of China is rubbish because this is not true, you get what you pay for ! If you know it would cost $100 dollars to make something in Australia then would you be surprised if it was $2.50 in China that it would not be the same ?
  24. more to the point I am absolutely surprised after watching the TV show how you can pick any image and drop it into Google and it will bring up everything. It can take all of the fun out of looking for aircraft that you think you have seen and are trying to remember where. Technology, soon we won't be needing typesetters working on our daily newspapers, or people delivering milk every morning
  25. This is not fair any more, let me tell you why. People are using Google image search, so all you do is right click and save your photograph. Then take the photograph and drop it into Google image search and it will bring up dozens of links and information based on the photograph. I saw this working on a TV show called Catfish on the weekend and tried it out just now. it takes all of the fun out of researching for some different aircraft photographs. https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZisf-mDt0QNBiBCGfTMhYV0KLU3_1Kj7rUBtkWxv0TTNh5sxp-LgH4snN2AFthO8MpJ7c1rNav3MZ0Ql8q3Jz6dCb3kHT0gUCoQL4NjvlB21pLw-nHkOT0xlkCnYMkq1m2KHtyiaM-EACJ2YDoH_1-hILAU-mMFFSyHYnLFBAohh_1TXmsJkgVQBvSEn3jVBORZo9niIy1iwA0anuJLdLcsKEziVv3LUSHsrDRSD6LkxHMdzidsJm3Vo26UiJsCSV_1fmArNWDhndT5MRWGKcdXHBaLGTjDA-vR7z-qOETwJ3VwIl1VvO9B398hMPsCi_1H1ttKvhGMr--J85LC_1K9ucwwMeZ9g1QFA&hl=en-AU
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