Playing devil's advocate, you need to work out why you are only getting one new user every week whereas before you are getting several every day. Personally, I don't like all of the changes all of the time, it confuses me and being an old person I like things to be simple and the same all the time, I don't like change. This could be why some people are not coming back again. It could be their interests have changed and they are no longer interested, it could be that they have found better platforms which do things differently. I know I discovered the few places on Facebook three or four months ago and they are also pretty good with a lot of the same people here and there as well (or at least I think they are the same by their usernames) are the Facebook sites any better than this site ? that is an answer I cannot give because they all seem to be about the same to me although I find the Facebook feed the just give me information I want to look at and not have to go searching. Maybe it is better to follow the masses and change to Facebook but I do know that you lose control of everything from what I can see and the sooner can find a way to push advertising and monetise a platform for your group they will ! There just seems to be a lot more people on Facebook rather than the 10 or 15 names you see here every day