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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. "ATSB reported the failure rate for Jabiru engines declined between 2012 and 2013 from 3.9 to 3.25 per 10,000 hours while Rotax failures went up from 1.52 to 2.6 per 10,000 hours." The Jabiru numbers declined perhaps because fewer people were flying in Jabiru aircraft at the time of all of these problems? Rotax numbers have always been questionable in this report because they also include the two-stroke engines and not just four-stroke engines, so it is obvious that Rotax failures are over reported and not really indicative of the four-stroke fleet
  2. The problem I have seen with a lot of the foil type ground planes is that they deteriorate over time especially on a surface that can flex like a fabric aircraft and you can start to lose your grounding because it breaks away from the aerial base. On a composite aircraft, no problem but on a rag and tube aircraft you need to be more careful. The only reason they make aircraft out of metal any more is to get a good ground plane #$&^%@😁
  3. How many do you want ? there are just about as many dead Microair radios at our airfield than there are rebuilt Jabiru engines ! I know of about three or four and will ask the owner on Saturday when I am at the airport
  4. if the intercom is operating normally and the only time you are getting excessive noise is when you press the transmit button and all you need to do is turn down the sidetone. You want the side tone to match the same volume as the intercom that way you are getting level audio.
  5. Well, how many Jabiru's are being flown ATM ? if there are 100 Rotax hours to only one Jabiru hour then of course the statistics are going to be weighted
  6. Playing devil's advocate, you need to work out why you are only getting one new user every week whereas before you are getting several every day. Personally, I don't like all of the changes all of the time, it confuses me and being an old person I like things to be simple and the same all the time, I don't like change. This could be why some people are not coming back again. It could be their interests have changed and they are no longer interested, it could be that they have found better platforms which do things differently. I know I discovered the few places on Facebook three or four months ago and they are also pretty good with a lot of the same people here and there as well (or at least I think they are the same by their usernames) are the Facebook sites any better than this site ? that is an answer I cannot give because they all seem to be about the same to me although I find the Facebook feed the just give me information I want to look at and not have to go searching. Maybe it is better to follow the masses and change to Facebook but I do know that you lose control of everything from what I can see and the sooner can find a way to push advertising and monetise a platform for your group they will ! There just seems to be a lot more people on Facebook rather than the 10 or 15 names you see here every day
  7. There are reports on PPrune at this particular serial number had a history of engine problems which they could not locate or identify and it had had engine outs previously if you read between the lines from somebody that it obviously being flying the aircraft before
  8. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/244642 No mention of the type of aircraft or anything like that
  9. What's the lesson ? Stay away from twins ?
  10. some of us in Queensland are still waiting for the voting papers to arrive with the first new edition of sport pilot magazine. contacted the RA-Aus head office several times but nothing ever happened, no voting papers and no magazine !
  11. you are making some really big assumptions here about an aircraft being able to be flown overweight in other countries. They may not have the same G requirements as Australia, I believe, our G requirements are based on international standards plus the weather that can be expected in Australia to affect an aircraft during flight. Just because somebody says they fly at 700 kg overseas is probably true but it will most certainly be at a reduced G loading so instead of +4-2 you could be +2-1 in which case your aircraft will either be damaged or break in our turbulence. There are standards and rules for a reason, commonly these are written in blood of those before you. CASA or RA-Aus has a requirement of a required payload which is one hour of fuel, two persons of 86 kg each and if you add this together and don't have enough payload based on the aircraft empty weight then the aircraft cannot be registered as an LSA and would have to go into some sort of experimental category with CASA. We saw this happen at our airport previously when the RA-Aus came up to measure some aircraft that were being assembled that were obviously much heavier than being claimed, then all of a sudden they went on to the VH register after the RA stickers were removed
  12. The Bolly in-flight adjustable is being tested/developed at our airfield. There have been a couple of blades that have let go and the other day (about three weeks ago) the propeller went into beta mode at about 200 AGL after rotation requiring the aircraft to crash land into a pond. I am not sure if they are going to keep going with the project
  13. That was just STUPID !
  14. Yes all good now !
  15. I have also lost the little icon thing from the shortcuts on my browser bar ?
  16. I have said this before and I don't want it to sound like a real complaint but every time you change the site I go round and round in circles again and again. It would be good if it was just left the same for us old users
  17. the silicon tape is probably more needed on the fuel lines which in your photos have not been completed
  18. I would like to say - That's good news. But it isn't, another aviator lost
  19. The flight training school at our airfield at Jacobs Well Flight Training – Gold Coast Sport Flying Club Inc is absolutely flat out, they now have three planes and about four instructors. I don't know if this is typical of the rest of Australia but these guys are knocking out huge hours.
  20. Absolutely terrific aircraft, I managed to catch a glimpse at Caboolture and the owner, adventurer Mike Smith even allowed me into the aircraft to sit in the cockpit (and fantasise) absolutely huge in size inside and out. Plenty of room, he even has his own coffee maker inside so he can make his "picalo almond latte's" while he is flying. There is enough room to sleep in the back in complete comfort, huge baggage area and it gets along at about 125 kn at about 35 L per hour or it may be 38 L per hour I can't remember. It is running two Rotax 915 engines and air master propellers. Absolutely unique aircraft with many stories to tell. He also said there were a couple more headed to Australia as well ! Now if he was in Canberra, how did he get out of Victoria ?
  21. That is the same rim as my wheelbarrow ?
  22. Airport coffee gossip about 1 week before it was public, if wrong however, don't shoot the messenger.
  23. I read you ONLY get the first issue FREE. The rest you have to pay for ! Nothing yet in QLD.
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