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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. Who thought there would be lies in aviation !
  2. Some people rattle when shaken, they are full of nut's
  3. Nearly any plane ever made will be in the correct weight and balance range of 25% to 35% MAC, it's physics ? if you position the crew so they are at 40% MAC then you will fly very tail heavy and could possibly be uncontrollable.
  4. you just can't say do a proper weight and balance. You have to rely that the manufacturer is giving you the correct information to start with. If they are not giving you the correct information what ability do they have to make sure the design complies with such a basic and important calculation. I would say RUN
  5. Copied from another site. tail wheel Moderator "In February 2020, the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority released a safety notice advising of a number of fatal accidents globally involving spins and stalls of Bristell LSAs. The safety notice states "aircraft may not meet the LSA standards as it does not appear to have been adequately tested" and that "the manufacturer has been unable to provide satisfactory evidence that the design is compliant with the requirements of the ASTM standards applicable to light sport aircraft." The company contested the CASA notice and claims that spin testing was conducted, although the manufacturer prohibits the design from intentional spins. CASA indicated on 28 February 2020 that "further investigation and discussions with the manufacturer are ongoing and CASA will provide an update as new information becomes available." The Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit report in May 2022 on the crash of an NG 5 Speed Wing in June 2019, resulting in the death of the two occupants, and found that incorrect weight and balance information supplied by the manufacturer was a contributory factor to the crash and recommended that BRM Aero revise and enhance the operating guidelines for the aircraft. On 21 June 2021 CASA issued a notice indicating that the manufacturer had provided data on spin testing and had also amended its weight and balance information provided to builders and owners, including changing the datum from the wing leading edge to the engine firewall. CASA indicated that the amended weight and balance limits and new datum adequately addressed the safety concerns previously raised and "provided operators of the aircraft only operate the aircraft in compliance with the corrected AOI data, CASA considers that the potential for inadvertent operation of the aircraft at or outside the centre of gravity limits is substantially reduced."
  6. There is a record already for this aircraft manufacturer including falsifying certification documents, saying that the aircraft had been tested to certain standards etc. but none of this was actually qualified and the required testing was never done. If the testing had been completed then we could make sure the aircraft met certain standards but it seems like it doesn't. From memory and this is going back 4 or 5 years, the claimed centre of gravity position was something like 300 mm rear of where it needed to be. I don't remember the full story in total detail but it was all very dirty at the time.
  7. I agree with one track, a single aircraft incident, with or without fatalities is unlikely to be investigated by the ADSB. Had the same aircraft run into a house, a preschool or any public building then of course it would be thoroughly investigated (and the pilot, ((cowboy)) in said recreational aircraft) found guilty in record time.
  8. agreed with red, the pictures on the aircraft show 2 different types of exhaust system which are different from the one you are selling now. Brisbane is hard on motors but it does look like it is pretty old with extensive oxidisation and corrosion on the end of the crank and the flywheel. I'm not saying it isn't brand-new even though the photo showing running, but brand-new means as it came out of the factory. I really do hope it is the perfect engine for somebody's project but in one spot it says it uses 29 L per hour and another spot 9 L per hour. There are a lot of inconsistencies in your listing unfortunately
  9. Yes, it's shady white Couldnt resist.
  10. Is the plane epoxy or vinyl ester resins ? The specs are out there for max temps of all the epoxies, dont guess.
  11. Not sure ? 2CV ? Harley ? not many V's around
  12. Nope. Never a V twin
  13. good to hear this information. I had heard production stopped in Japan a long time ago and the engine was no longer being manufactured. Hopefully it continues for some time to come because it is an ideal option now that Rotax have killed off the 2 strokes
  14. There was a guy at AirVenture about 15 to 20 years ago who did something similar in a Yellow Cub but he also lost an aileron halfway through and managed to fly just as good (or just as bad) with it missing. The first time I saw it my heart missed a beat because I was walking along then looked up to watch the aileron depart and him going crazy out of control, not even knowing he was an air show performer because i had been in one of the buildings. Great days !
  15. But, the oil is the same mixture whether it comes in through premix or oil injection so it is the same spark plug. (in reality it is slightly different because you use less oil at lower throttle settings with oil injection but it is close enough to need/use the same spark plug)
  16. the sun will never be above you at the poles ?
  17. I would like to know if you are standing at the flag at the South Pole which way is South because no matter where you walk you are going north so how could you find your way back home from the South Pole ?
  18. The smell would be overwhelming
  19. What a bizzare looking aircraft., it proves engineers will try anything at least once.
  20. you can actually buy these from places like Aircraft Spruce and they come with a template for you to cut the hole and then they just mount from behind either with resin or rivets
  21. if you go to the listing to have a look they have changed it and now it doesn't start for another 9 days ? https://www.pickles.com.au/general/item/-/details/1995-Jabiru-Model-553J-Light-Sports-Aircraft--TTIS-1398-5/745430/ Item Not Yet Available For Sale Check back soon. Starts 29/05/2024 02:00PM
  22. Its a factory built "certified/accepted" There she stays, apparently for the rest of her flying days. Would be good if you could do a MARAP (or whatever its called) but i think 55 rego locks you in solidly.
  23. I have used them in a cub clone and they work a TREAT ! Worth every cent
  24. Its like calling a Hyundai a Rolls Royce, you can call it whatever you want but its not an LSA which is all to do with certification, standards, paperwork and uses not to mention it doesnt meet LSA flight standards which might interest a newbie and then he/she finds out they cant do what they want with the aircraft.
  25. I Say Again, its NOT an LSA aircraft, its a 55 registered ultralight. Jabiru might have called it an LSA but its not. It was built BEFORE LSA standards were even published. Call it what it is; and thats a 55 registered ultralight.
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