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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. I read on another site how much opposition there is to this. He is not an aviation legend he was a helicopter pilot in the British Army. It really devalues the awards when there are token people like this added to the list of recipients. They are also very much against a lady that got nominated who apparently was only nominated because she is Jeff Baizos (spelling) girlfriend and has very little to do with aviation in the first place. ANN has a lot of information and comments about the living legends of aviation awards this year.
  2. Bill Ginn, the RA-Aus won't do any investigations because of liability and lack of suitable training and resources. They tried to get everyone trained up with the assistance of the ATSB which did some good, but then they couldn't utilise any of the resources they needed. I also understand somebody took legal action against one of their findings/results and that was the end of it. From memory it was the importer of a low wing aircraft based out of Melbourne that had a run of fatal accidents and the RA-Aus as part of the investigation found out that paperwork was fudged by the importer/manufacturer possibly contributing towards these accidents, but they were still taken to court by said importer claiming they were destroying his business etc. (first-hand information from a board member) I know personally that multiple claims have been paid by the RA-Aus policy. You cannot ignore that fact, but you don't seem to understand that like any insurance claim it takes time, you can't crash today and get paid tomorrow.
  3. Now thats a name i havent heard for around 20 years, is he still with us ?
  4. NO. Its a model, probably 50% scale it against the road and look at the pitch ossilations.
  5. Could it be depleted uranium bullets ? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-65051330
  6. OK, hydrogen and hydrogen electric could well be the way to go in the future and this new development by Yamaha Marine is showing a clear way forward. The link goes to information about them exhibiting a four-cylinder hydrogen powered marine engine tinyurl.com/yneb7nzy
  7. some airports now won't let you use ground screws because it damages the surface and if they are not removed they interfere with lawnmowers and are too much of a liability for the operator. Somebody might even stump their toe on one and sue the council. When I travel I take self-inflating concrete blocks, they look really heavy ! https://www.walmart.com/ip/BUNKR-Build-Your-Own-Battlezone-Inflatable-Concrete-Block-for-Blaster-Battles/181932666
  8. and I remember the publicity at the time, the people from General Motors were summoned to somewhere on the north-east coast of the US and they all turned up in private jets either owned by, or rented by, General Motors to get their executives to a meeting asking for money. I would have sent them packing and told them to try again another day when they turned up on commercial airlines and got from the airport in an Uber and not some stretch limo!
  9. I used to love the look of this aircraft. There was also one that came from New Zealand that looked very similar, I think it was called the Snark. Something like you would see in a James Bond movie. Que music and villain in chase scene with machine guns.
  10. Anyone know the pilots name yet ?
  11. Showing your age, you earn more than that working part time at McDonalds, my local cefe need to pay $37 per hour + super
  12. With only 200-300 years of "semi-accurate" climate records, and maybe 50 years of accurate climate records, for a planet thats billions of years old, who really knows what the typical climate should be/is ? We just don't really know if a few hot years following an ice age is normal. Just a personal opinion/observation not a researched scientific opinion.
  13. Why do you need fresh water for cooling ? Whats wrog with ocean water ?
  14. Just put a Sub off the coast and run a power lead to the mainland, one for each major city. Problem solved
  15. I dont seem to have a problem unless your getting in from the rear vision position, at the other end it as big or bigger than other SUV type vehicles imo. Maybe you need to get in like its an aircraft with small doors.. Head first ?
  16. This is the only thread with a lot of activity in a long time, let-it-run, i say. For old and moldy the Tesla Model Y is a great choice, like a model 3 but higher off the grond so the seat height is say 200 mm higher and plenty of headroom also. I have about 150 mm above my head and i am 186cm tall (6'2"). You seem to fall into the seat reather than drop into it because its high and easy.
  17. I know that if I have the vehicle out of chill mode into sport mode, if I have the air conditioning set below 20° and if I have the sentry mode activated to run 24-hours every day it uses quite a bit of battery. There are also other settings which can stop the cabin from getting really hot called vent mode which will put fresh air into the car once it gets to a set temperature, there is also dog mode that keeps the vehicle at 24° so you can leave your dog inside a parked car (something I would never do anyway) but the alarm and sentry mode seems to be a really big power drain. Even when the vehicle is just parked it runs about 5 cameras and records everything to a hard drive. If I parked overnight I could notice 3 or 4% drop in the battery just from running the cameras overnight so I now have it turned off whilst I am at home because the vehicle is locked in a garage. It will still record and the alarm works if the vehicle get bumped or if somebody walks really close to the vehicle but it is not recording 24/7 in 4K with this setting turned off. Overnight i have zero battery drain now.
  18. You are correct I do have this model, I drive like a little old lady going to church, i have it running in chill mode because it limits the performance, even in this mode it exceeds my speed requirements. 90% of my operation is stop and start below 80 km/h just in a normal residential area with a few linking roads that run at 80 and the rest are at 50. 10% is highway use, but I use all of the technology to drive for me, and again it regulates the speeds, acceleration rates and optimises the use of regeneration for breaking which can sometimes be a little frightening because it leaves it till really late so it gets the best regeneration available.
  19. Let me add my ten cents worth I own a new Tesla Model Y vehicle, now with about 4,000 km After the rebates in Queensland it cost just under $53,000 on the road with a full charge ! I have 8.8 kW of solar panels on my roof because I have been trying to reduce my power costs for some time. I have installed a car recharging unit called the Zappi, and I have this set up to only recharge my vehicle on 100% solar. If I was not recharging the vehicle I would get a $0.05 credit per kilowatt hour put back into the grid (which is an absolute joke), so I therefore cost the vehicle running charges at $0.05 per kilowatt hour because this is what I would be getting back if it went into the grid instead of into the car. Using the Tesla app, it is showing me the total cost of recharging for about 4,000 km is $27 based on $0.05 per kilowatt hour which I have put in as the charging cost. Summary: I have a vehicle which is significantly cheaper than anything else the same size like a traditional SUV. A hilux or a raptor does not give you much change out of $70,000 and yet I "only" spent $53,000 which is expensive to most of us, but by comparison to most comparable vehicles, a reasonable price for what I have received in my opinion. I have my charging set up so I don't need to have any out-of-pocket expenses for the use of my vehicles electricity and recharging. I have a 450 km range which is good enough for 99% of my driving as I expect it would be for 99% of people with this type of vehicle. If I ever go on a big trip which will require remote recharging I have the expectation that I will have to take a 30 minute break, I may even need a one hour break if I need to wait for a charger. I may have to pay $30 or $40 for said electricity to recharge, but my attitude is, I am so far ahead that it doesn't really matter. If I have any concerns about using this vehicle on a big trip then I am fortunate to have a little Renault which uses on average 5.3 L per 100 km from the surprising performance given from the 1.5 L turbo diesel engine. There is no one vehicle that is going to suit everyone's needs, just as there is no one aircraft that suits everyone's needs. Some people need to be landing at 25 kn in a cub type aircraft, some people don't care they just want to do 200 kn to get from A to B. I am the first to admit an electric vehicle won't suit everybody, especially if you are in a country area say 6 hours out of the city. This type of location would make it difficult to get any benefits but for me, with my longest trip under 2 hours return it is near ideal for all of the reasons I have mentioned above and I'm also to have access to my Renault for the time that using an electric vehicle does not suit.
  20. Trouble is no-one wants it in their backyard. Why not put the plant on one of those little offshore islands ? Whats the name ? That's right, Tasmania!
  21. How well does that work on the outer suburban and highway cycle? Show me a highway in ANY city that is not stop and start, i would say they are perfect for this use.
  22. The plane regererates 8-11% of the power used in the circuit during the landing process, BUT it requires a steep approach
  23. the only thing I can think of is that extreme cold temperatures are reducing the flight time but I remember reading that if the battery was warm from being recharged then it had no effect on the endurance. If the battery had been recharged 3 days ago and the aircraft had been in subzero temperatures since then then yes they would be a reduction in the endurance. I don't imagine however any flying school leaving these outside for any length of time. Perhaps you mess read the article and it was 25 minutes in the training area or something like that. You can download the POH of the Internet, I did this some time ago and it was an interesting read with some new conceptual ideas on how to fly an aircraft
  24. The aircrafts purpose is abinitio training, remember there is no run-up, or warmup, you taxi straight to the run-up bay and do all of your talking for the upcoming flights with the engine basically off. It works out cheaper because you are not paying all of the ground time and warm up time. 50 minutes of circuits is basically 90 minutes in the aircraft for a pilot doing his first let's say 10 hours. For this mission and purpose I would say they are ideal. The other benefits are much lower operating costs although when you factor in battery replacement in reality it is only about 30% cheaper than a gasoline powered aircraft. The big benefit is reduced or almost zero noise impact at the airfield so you can start your circuits at sparrows fart and not wake up any of the locals. They are not perfect yet, far from it but they are certainly knocking on the door of the future.
  25. There is one at our airport and it does 50 minutes of circuits.
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