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Everything posted by FlyBoy1960

  1. 50 minutes PLUS 30 minutes reserve. Where do you get 25 minutes from? Also the weight is wrong ? Anyway rather than look it up, just make it up instead, its easier.
  2. Yeep. We have progressed so far !
  3. The title is wrong, it should be "Morgan Rebuild" A restoration inspires thoughts of an aircraft with many years of flying, something of great historical value. I must be board to even waste everyone's time by commenting. I must get-a-life.
  4. I think you are being a little bit tough on Kyle, I hadn't seen this engine online before and it was interesting to watch the video but as soon as I found out that the thumbnail for the video had a photograph of Elon Musk standing next to the engine (photoshopped) and the fact that it was 20 years in development and hasen't got anywhere started alarm bells going off for me instantly. The comments were not warranted just because somebody had not seen this before like myself. The comment would have been much better if you said something like "this product has been featured before, here is the link where we have been discussing". Maybe I'm just not tough enough to be here.
  5. I just LOVE the way they have Elon Musk on their thumbnail, any legitimate company would not be using his likeness in an effort to get clicks. If what is written above is true and they haven't got it right after 20 years then what hope have they got. Unfortunately, the older I get, the more I can say, that I have seen it all before. But, thank you for bringing the video to my attention
  6. Gulfstream Aerospace Jetprop Commander (twin-turboprop) https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/BDOG370/history/20231104/0045Z/YTWB/YBMA Decent of more than 10,000 fpm at one stage. It dropped like a rock ?
  7. Ring them up and ask ! Simples.
  8. Should do a story on Jabiru engines as well. Lovers and Haters on both sides.
  9. they are all the same regardless of the energy provider. Agl has a solar saver program that gives you $0.15 per kilowatt limited to 10 kW per day so basically this is $1.50 but there solar meter charge on this plan is also more expensive than it is on any other plan so you are effectively getting back to your $0.05 per kilowatt. It is all smoke and mirrors intended to confuse people especially people that don't understand electricity. I have this in writing from agl when I asked them why the plan I am on and the meter charge is only and (I'm using guesstimates here because I don't remember exactly) $1.00 per day but on the solar saver's plan it was $1.50 per day for the exact same meter. The answer was that because power was travelling both ways through the meter that it would wear out quicker and need to be replaced earlier and that is why they have to charge extra for the meter if you are getting $0.15 per kilowatt hour than you would be getting with $0.05 per kilowatt hour. I emailed the consultant back asking her more questions about this and she proudly told me how she had just come back from training and this is what they were told if anybody ever asked about the different metre charges. ? These people should not be allowed to reproduce !
  10. the problem is now that our lousy government has allowed the power companies to do 2 things. Reduce the rebate from solar panels going back into the grid from $0.30 down to 0 cents or at best $0.05 per kilowatt hour increase the meter charges if you have a solar panel system on your roof. They have increased the meter charges by about $1.50 per day completely negating what your solar panels can put in at $0.05 per kilowatt hour we have been sold this fantastic idea of putting solar panels on your roof and having the ability to pay everything off in 5 or 10 years depending on where you are located. They then change all of the rules in cooperation with the power companies so now I am a power generator/provider for the power companies. I am generating electricity for them for which they are paying me $0.05 per kilowatt which is negated by the increase in the meter charges so I am giving them dozens of kilowatt hours per day for nothing and they are happily selling that power for $0.40 per kilowatt hour. There really should be a Royal Commission into this because it is theft on a grand scale. They should lock in the pricing that they offered when they sold us the solar systems
  11. Well, my Tesla charges 100% from Solar Power. It is hooked into my solar panels through a charger called the ZAPPI. I have it set in eco-plus plus mode and it charges at about 8 kW when the sun is out. Since I have owned it I have never needed to pay for one cent of electricity! A friend has one exact same unit but 3 phase in his work and it can charge at 22 kW because it is three-phase and has more cells. I am limited to single phase at home. One day I will have to pay for energy if I travel to somewhere further than what I travel 99% of the time but for me now, this is the absolute best for my pocket and supposedly the planet.
  12. They do the transition the petrol aircraft once they go on to the cross-country endorsement. The electric aircraft cannot provide the endurance for cross-country so the electric aircraft is kept close to the originating airport for all of the operations that create noise and pollution, and then you can use exactly the same airframe with a petrol engine for cross-country. Apparently it flies exactly the same in just about every respect, except cruise speed and endurance (according to what i have read from the guys in the US)
  13. All of the freight trains have been diesel electric for years and years, the diesel is basically just a generator for the electric motors (i am told) The electric carrying hundreds of tons are being used now by a co-owner of google, Sergy something. 80 kn speed, days endurance and a 200 ton payload apparently. You can see them in Moriarty New Mexico and Moffett Field in San Francisco
  14. https://aroundtheworld.solarimpulse.com/adventure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Impulse https://www.fai.org/news/fai-ratifies-two-new-speed-records-set-british-all-electric-aircraft
  15. Not so fast. Think solar impulse and some of the latest electric's doing speeds over 120 kts with 6 hours endurance and heavy payloads. There is even one doing 80 kts for 48 hours between recharging and can carry hundres of tons
  16. No rego ? Looks to stall/porpoise when itgets too high out of ground effect. A good effort
  17. Airborne, Gone to China a few years ago. Airborne Windsports is negotiating to move its manufacturing operation offshore by the end of December 2022. The supply of spare parts (from Airborne Australia) for hang gliders and microlights will be affected by this move. The last date for parts orders for supply from Australia is October 14th, 2022. The fulfilment of these orders will be subject to availability. The supply of spare parts for gyrocopters will NOT be affected. A big thank you to all of our past and present customers for your support. We apologise for any inconvenience, unfortunately the manufacturing business suffered substantially since the start of the Covid pandemic, and it has become impossible to continue production in Australia. For inquiries about Spare Parts please email: [email protected] any other inquiries email [email protected] Team Airborne
  18. They are not fake, there is YouTube footage of these pictures. Some program from Jetstar where your partner flies FREE
  19. Details released Pilot. Mervyn Mudge
  20. Looks like its upside down to me, the undercarriage legs are on top of the wreckage.
  21. Probably old stock fottage from somewhere. Dont let the truth get in the way of a story !
  22. There is some chilling audio from Canberra tower and approach trying to contact them
  23. More here. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/346298 4 Fatalities
  24. Having owned and X-Air I know a fair bit about this, and I have seen more than a few of our airfield. The shock absorbers are made by Armstrong in India. The importer a long time ago tried to bypass the factory and buy them direct and if memory serves me correctly they were around US$60 each but you have to buy a minimum quantity of 1000 ! Fornalies (spelling) is a French specialty manufacturer which had nitrogen filled shock absorbers to suit the X-Air but they only lasted about 2 years before all of the coating came off the shaft and if any of the nitrogen leaked it was almost impossible to get refilled. One of the owners told me he had to pay $600 to get refilled by Dickey Johnson of touring car fame who had everything needed to do the job because of the shock absorbers used by touring cars. They were eventually given away as a bad idea purely because they didn't last and leaked. I don't only aircraft any more but I did buy a set and I think they were around $260 each or a pair I can't remember because this was back in about 2010.
  25. I have an Enfield and they are different, not even close unless it is something from the 60s ? The ones on the motorbike holding 200 to 300 kg are not going to suit an aircraft which is 500 kg. They would be bottomed out as soon as they were loaded with the aircraft weight.
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