Before CASA took flight safety online only, all the guys at work would get their copy in the mail, read it that night and For the next week at smoko was a complete and total debrief of what was in the magazine, including the quiz questions in the back. At the time we had a 2 apprentices and 3 lames (55+years old, no offence) and numerous young pilots there, all quite computer literate. Since they went web based I personally have not read one single article let alone the whole magazine. There has been no discussion either which makes me think that the others are not reading it either.
The same thing happens here in Narromine when there is an interesting article in the magazine, members see it flicking through the mag and talk about it. With a digital copy I feel you only tend to look for the things applicable to you and miss an awful lot of perhaps life saving information.
And another thing, I won't be leaving my iPad at the doctors surgery or on the gliding room bench for others to read and look thru once I've dissected it........