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Everything posted by Aerodavetoorbul

  1. Yes your arms would be very tired carying a couple of 20lt gerrycans!
  2. We pull back the throttle to idle opposite the piano keys on downwind, then glide to base & final at 60 kt 2 up & 54 kt solo (54 kt is best glide speed). We also pull on the first stage of flaps after closing the throttle. Depending on wind and judgement you may need to pull 2nd stage for landing.
  3. I have approximately 60 hrs in a very yellow Foxbat. People tell me that it’s easy to see. They fly very well that’s why the flying schools use them. For some reason that I don’t know they don’t like the Vixen 32. Probably to hard for low hour pilots. Wish I had the money to buy a Foxbat-a22.
  4. Thanks for the info and the travel story.
  5. Hi again Steve, I fly out of Caboolture in a Foxbat, my CFI informed me that my passenger endorsement will be done on Thursday as I have the requisite hours. I was of the mistaken belief that I had to do 10 hours after getting my certification, however he told me I already had over 12 hours, so now on with the navigation so I can go anywhere. I would like to meet up with you and will give you a call. Many thanks to all the other members that made me welcome, it’s something that I always wanted to do but never thought that I would. It’s funny the way things happen hey.
  6. Hey Stevo, welcome aboard. You don’t have to recover from surgery to want to learn to fly, I’m 70 and have just learned, anyway enjoy!
  7. Do you have any performance figures. I learned to fly in a Foxbat and I like the plane, however I do want to travel and l’m interested in the brumby, it has nice lines and looks good, to me anyway. I think the Foxbat is a bit slow for long trips.
  8. Gday Doran, I have not long landed myself, welcome aboard. You obviously have a great deal more hours than I, but I’m working on that. I am considering building my own aircraft. At present I’m working on a 1934 Hawker Demon as a volunteer. I’m doing the woodwork.
  9. Thanks Byron, just did my first flight as aqualified pilot and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  10. The CFI said that the grey hair was all that was holding me back. Ha ha.
  11. Hi Steve, it took me 35 to solo, 43 dual & 11.4 to RPC. The good news though is that I am now endorsed for passengers.
  12. Like Derek, I too used to ride to the airport (Mascot) to watch the aircraft, also to Rose Bay to see the Sunderland & Catalinas come and go. What’s this about the grey heads? I am over 70 and have just got my RPC and am about to start on my nav cert. There are a lot of mature aged flyers out there so go easy on us.
  13. The only way to get effective sound insulation is by applying a dense material like lead, which is too heavy for aircraft insulation. Better to get good quality noise canceling headsets.
  14. Hi, I have just received my RPC from Caboolture Recreational Aviation and can recommend them personally. They fly Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Also have reasonable rates. Go for it.
  15. I have just received my RPC
  16. Old dogs and new tricks. Hi all, it’s been a big day for me, I just passed my RAA Pilot Certificate, woohoo, I am over 70 it’s been a hard grind but I finally made it! Now to start the real learning. I am over the moon, does that make me an astronaut?
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