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    Tecnam P92 Echo
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  1. Enjoy
  2. That's one day aerial tourism. Enjoy
  3. This is my flight during the last eek end. Enjoy
  4. what a worderful flight was that in 2015....
  5. hello everybody! This is a short video made of images taken during my flights, accompanied by a soundtrack written and sung by my nephew Stefano. Enjoy!
  6. ...hoping not to be boring, here follow another short video of a flight to Lampedusa island. Lampedusa is an italian island situated south-west of Malta in the Mediterranean sea. It has became famous in the last years because of the african refugees and migrants issue. It remains a very nice place for tourism. I flew there with my friends; all pilots and owners of ultralight airplanes. Enjoy flying like us! Cheers Nuccio
  7. Here follow another short video of one of my recent flights. Cheers Nuccio p.s. if you want, subscribe my youtube channel
  8. Hello everybody! This is Sebastiano (said Nuccio) from Italy. I thought you may be interested in seeing how I fly on the other part of the ocean. I fly with my ultralight, a Tecnam P92. Usually I summarize my flights with short videos like the following. Cheers Nuccio If you want subscribe my youtube channel. Thanks!
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