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    Hervey Bay & Maryborough QLD
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  1. Crayon Have you looked into the recently approved airpark development at Booral? Certain to cost a bob though. For a bigger drive the Maryborough Aero Club has some hangars (not sure of availability though). Not sure if it is still available but a gent I know of had a hangar at the bay a while back. I could pm details - most likely a very long shot though. Nev
  2. Camo If you don't want to spend on an audio cable, you can use a pair of ipod / iphone headphones. Put one speaker inside your headset earcup and leave the other one outside your headset. That way it will record both engine and radio. Plug the other end into the gopro mic socket. Probably doesn't work as well as dedicated mic or audio cable, but if you have a pair lying around you might find it works well enough.
  3. My CFI teaches his students to broadcast a short "all stations" broadcast on the area frequency upon entering a new boundary to alert any other a/c in the vicinity. That was his main feedback on passing me for my PPL flight test. Makes sense to me, doesn't need to block the frequency and when operating "clear of cloud" particularly below hemispherical levels requirement may provide some additional situational awareness. Isn't the reason to have centre frequency selected is to enhance your understanding of the traffic around you. Surely it is irrelevant whether it is an IFR or VFR aircraft you are about to have a mid air collision with? My safety and that of my VFR passengers is just as important as those sitting in an aircraft under the IFR. Nev
  4. Listened to a qlink arranging separation with a microlite over the weekend at Hervey Bay. Microlite gave several calls advising he was over River Heads, qlink queried informing him he didn't know where that was. My initial thoughts were "what ... don't you guys carry maps?" It's not like it was an obscure place, it's clearly marked. Anyway they both sorted themselves out and most politely dash 8 joined the circuit for the runway which an RV was already doing circuits on - not opposite as they usually do! Made me wish I was up there mixing it with them
  5. Casa grounded the nations bonanza's fleet on 2 instances of worn control cables. Why won't they act of the R44?
  6. Yep, NUS is still at the sunny coast. As for the slap, none of my instructors have needed to do that ....yet!
  7. Hi Ozzie The school has disabled that feature as the gear would come down when trying to do stalls/slow flight etc. We still have the audible warning though.
  8. Piper Arrow. Not much of a step up from the archer, but don't forget to put the gear down.
  9. Now he's got one of those nice low wings:roflmao: Seriously though sad as it is, there's worse things happening as a result of this terrible weather. Nev
  10. Yeah thought the same, in fact I'm surprised he didn't shutdown the engine and glide her in with everything switched off beforehand. I'm around the same tt as the pilot and fly pa28's too, so this was a real case of "what would I do" and how would I approach the landing. Quite a valuable exercise. He certainly would have had a good deal of time to think through - 4 hrs to use up fuel. Pilot did a great job. Very lucky he wasn't departing from an uncontrolled field and knew about his problem.
  11. You've probably heard or learnt these: 7500 - 75 taken alive (hijack) 7600 - 76 radio needs a fix 7700 - 77 going to heaven
  12. And an avgas fuel bowser!
  13. Too often for sure! Often I ponder if the experienced can come to grief, what chance I with a skinny new logbook. Nev
  14. You're right fair call, I did notice the aircraft rego, obviously didn't put two and two together. Whilst there may not be powerlines at many certified airfields, we've seen many a hazard - cars on adjacent roads (USA) etc. I guess my thoughts were that he's obviously pushing safety margins pretty hard, and if something were to go wrong there's very little chance to recover. Only have to visit youtube to see airshow performances of steep turns or cases of low flying ground go horribly wrong.
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