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Everything posted by Kiter

  1. The last time I flew above 10,000' in an unpressurised aircraft without supplemental oxygen was 1983 in PNG where, if my memory serves the transition level was higher due to there being lots of mountains exceeding 10,000'. I recall my mate saying you weren't allowed to plan to fly above 10,000' without oxygen, but once in the air you could amend plans to do so. I needed to one day and it was common there. Just had a look at the Part 91 MOS and my interpretation is no need for oxygen as long as the cabin pressure does not exceed FL 125 for more than 30 minutes. Did I miss anything?
  2. AirBP card available from Steve Johnson - [email protected]. I've had one for four years.
  3. Planefinder shows 1942UTC 9,000' at 197 knots (basically unchanged for over an hour) 1945 8,307' at 197 knots 1950 5,533' at 181 knots 1955 3,536' at 109 knots (best glide?) 2000 2,548' at 109 knots 2005 300' at 93 knots
  4. RAAus is a company limited by guarantee. It can be sued, but members are not liable.
  5. The boss of Hyundai is spruiking flying cars within 10 years. Even if the technology is at the point where it's possible, I'd be surprised if the infrastructure and regulation will be anywhere near ready. Discuss!
  6. I certainly don’t know enough about the background of the BRM issue, but I don’t think it is helpful to drive a wedge between different elements of the private aviation sector. I reckon AOPA should have a more diplomatic approach.
  7. The last couple of paragraphs are confrontational and unnecessary in my view. CASA did what it did and cannot be sued…it’s drawing a long bow to say RAAus can be sued for the limitations imposed by CASA.
  8. I visited my mate (who had taught me to fly) when (I think) he was the only flying instructor in PNG in December 1983. The only flight I did without my mate was from Mount Hagen (above 5,000 feet above sea level) to Madang. To do this below 10,000 feet, one had to fly through a pass. I remember the ADF pointing in the wrong direction at a thunderstorm on my way to Malang. The VOR was unaffected. The forecast was the same every day, and pretty useless and CAVOK turned into a layer of cloud while we were on the ground in Madang. I found a way through it and had to climb to 11,500 feet to fly over the pass. This was without effective radio contact for much of the flight as the HF was ineffective due to peak sunspot activity. I could hear the controller, but they couldn't hear me. Once in the valley containing Mount Hagen, VHF communications resumed and the cloud disappeared. The absence of radio communications was normal and (unlike me) the controllers were unconcerned. It's worth noting that Mt Wilhelm was not far off my track and it's 14,793 feet! They told me the main cloud type in the highlands was called cumulo-granite! We landed on some exciting one-way strips...my mate went on to fly for the airline known locally as Death-air!
  9. I presume Airservices will put the proposal to CASA after the feedback phase. CASA is the authority that will need to make the changes. Hopefully RAAus, AOPA etc will already be lobbying them.
  10. The Age regularly republishes old articles. Today’s is an interesting read about the crash of an RAAF Lockheed Hudson killing a number of VIPs.
  11. I’m pretty sure a 19-reg aircraft can’t be flown in D airspace regardless of the qualifications of the pilot. See 7.3 here.
  12. I took very few photos from the air, but it was a very pretty route. Narromine is a huge ex-WW2 training base, which Qantas used after the war. It's close to a pretty sleepy country town. The little museum there is worth a visit. Benalla also has a small aviation museum. The below Moth Minor was about to go for a fly, but didn't want to start.
  13. Low wing Brumby. Hence the Cowra stops...I took it back to meet its maker! I was lucky getting over the mountains into Port Macquarie without delay and on a weekend when the military restricted areas were inactive, but had a few extra days there waiting for suitable weather to get back. The first attempt saw me waiting on the ground at Port Macquarie for the forecast weather to arrive...it didn't, so another night. The next day looked like a repeat, so I thought I'd go for a local flight anyway, and the cloud cleared to the north, so I was able to safely clear the mountains, again with inactive restricted areas.
  14. ICAO in the heading...spelt out in the text. so it's educational!
  15. With the relaxation of stay at home rules, I decided to take the Brumby to some warmer weather in Port Macquarie. The trip was Moorabbin to Cowra, then Port Macquarie where three nights turned into seven due to weather, then Narromine (including a visit to the aviation museum), back to Cowra, then Benalla (another aviation museum) and home via the Kilmore gap 13 days after the start. Wright Flyer replica at Narromine
  16. Clause 9 of the CAO provides that exemptions may be provided by CASA in writing. ATC is unlikely to know your licence or aircraft status and it’s not their job to ensure pilots are complying, it’s the pilot’s.
  17. Out of hours class D airports become class G, however, according to my reading of the CAO (see 7.1(i) and 1.2(e)), you can’t fly your homebuilt RAAus aircraft over a closely settled area.
  18. Clause 7.3 of CAO 95.55 has a shopping list of things you need to fly an RAAus-registered aircraft into a class D airport. An owner-built aircraft is not one, but a factory-built can be. It also says you need a CASA licence.
  19. My understanding is that an EFB mounted with a suction cup must be removed and stowed for take off, landing, below 1,000’ AGL and in turbulence. While my suction mount is very strong, I take mine off for landing as I don’t need the distraction of it falling on my leg when I touch down.
  20. Thanks for the responses so far. I'm thinking departing in the next week or so, so the biggest question mark might be COVID19, although I figure remote Australia is good! The Brumby cruises at about 105 knots and has almost 6 hours endurance, although the bum goes numb well before then! It runs on 98 Mogas or Avgas.
  21. Hi all, I’m thinking about flying my Brumby from Moorabbin to Jandakot (and back) and am looking for suggestions on places to stop/stay/refuel on the way and any other advice. I have not flown west of Kangaroo Island before and will have no particular timetable, so can take my time.
  22. It‘s possible to see the planned and actual routes on Flightaware. Seminole Travel Air
  23. I suspect the organisers conducted this under the provisions regulated by the Charitable and Non-Profit Gaming Act 1999 (Qld). There is a provision allowing raffles with prizes valued under $50,000 conducted by community associations to be conducted without a permit. Should unhappy purchasers of tickets wish to complain, the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation would be the place to go, although I suspect it would be a pointless exercise that would only hurt people who have given their time to support recreational aviation.
  24. The Brumby is VH registered.
  25. I thought I’d wake this topic up with a report on my experience getting a Basic Class 2 medical today. Given I fly a Brumby VFR by day there was no need for my Class 2, so I completed the application for a Basic Class 2 online, printed that out and took it to my GP today who completed it fairly quickly (and for way less cost that a DAME charges). With no medical issues, I went back online and submitted the result (CASA don’t need any paperwork), paid $10 and received the certificate instantly. I was happy with the process.
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