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About prwood

  • Birthday 31/01/1945


  • Aircraft
    Ant trike with Discus wing
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  1. Funnily enough that's how I started my flying career when I saw a picture of a trike on the cover of a magazine in a dentists waiting room.
  2. It's the only plane that can accommodate his gigantic ego
  3. What an enlightening documentary, I'm gobsmacked.
  4. Jato perhaps?
  5. Brendan, you quoted speed of 65kts with high cruise of 80kts. I had an X-air standard with a 618 for 10 years. The cruise speed was around 55-60kts. No way could we get 80kts. The X-air stated cruise is 54kts & a max speed of 65kts with VNE 82kts
  6. I have heard that Aerofly fs4 is the best sim for VR
  7. Later models of the X-air were made with a wide entry kit option. Getting in & out was just a matter of technique.
  8. Flew an X-air for 8 years & loved it but I am only 6'2" & 63kg wet🤣. Definately worth a try.
  9. Aeros make great trikes. Been flying an Ant for 7 years & love it. No hangerage helps😁
  10. Great video & strange to see the swastika displayed on the tail of the German aircraft.
  11. Landed in a pugged out cattle paddock once, never again. Nearly rattled every tooth out of my mouth!!
  12. If you want to go real slow get a nanolite like the Aeros Ant. Folds down into 3 packs, Wing, base & engine. The engine & base should fit into the back of most vehicles & the wing goes on the roof racks. Then you don't have to worry about hangerage. They are fabulous machines & great fun to fly.
  13. How insulting to all the grieving victims of this mass murder. Can’t believe any thinking person could support this abomination of a conspiracy theory.
  14. Tried to buy some engine mounts for my homebuilt trike from Flexible Drive long time ago. When I mentioned what they were for they refused point blank to sell them to me. Had to send a mate in to buy them for a go-cart. That seemed to work lol.
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