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Everything posted by prwood

  1. Funnily enough that's how I started my flying career when I saw a picture of a trike on the cover of a magazine in a dentists waiting room.
  2. It's the only plane that can accommodate his gigantic ego
  3. What an enlightening documentary, I'm gobsmacked.
  4. Jato perhaps?
  5. Brendan, you quoted speed of 65kts with high cruise of 80kts. I had an X-air standard with a 618 for 10 years. The cruise speed was around 55-60kts. No way could we get 80kts. The X-air stated cruise is 54kts & a max speed of 65kts with VNE 82kts
  6. I have heard that Aerofly fs4 is the best sim for VR
  7. Later models of the X-air were made with a wide entry kit option. Getting in & out was just a matter of technique.
  8. Flew an X-air for 8 years & loved it but I am only 6'2" & 63kg wet🤣. Definately worth a try.
  9. Aeros make great trikes. Been flying an Ant for 7 years & love it. No hangerage helps😁
  10. Great video & strange to see the swastika displayed on the tail of the German aircraft.
  11. Landed in a pugged out cattle paddock once, never again. Nearly rattled every tooth out of my mouth!!
  12. If you want to go real slow get a nanolite like the Aeros Ant. Folds down into 3 packs, Wing, base & engine. The engine & base should fit into the back of most vehicles & the wing goes on the roof racks. Then you don't have to worry about hangerage. They are fabulous machines & great fun to fly.
  13. How insulting to all the grieving victims of this mass murder. Can’t believe any thinking person could support this abomination of a conspiracy theory.
  14. Tried to buy some engine mounts for my homebuilt trike from Flexible Drive long time ago. When I mentioned what they were for they refused point blank to sell them to me. Had to send a mate in to buy them for a go-cart. That seemed to work lol.
  15. I co-owned one for 10 years from 2004. It was a joy to fly. We had a 618 which was discontinued by Rotax but it proved to be very reliable & I believe there is a company in the states that can do a re-build including the crankshaft. Airframe quality was fine, simple bolted tubing, easy to inspect & maintain.
  16. Thanks, might give them a try
  17. Thanks for that but both the landline & mobile have been disconnected. I spoke to Steve in November as we wanted to go up then but he said that the strip was unserviceable as it needed mowing & he didn't have the time that weekend as they had had a death in the family & he had to attend the funeral. Just hope he is ok.
  18. Does anyone have contact details for the owner of this property, Steve Price. A couple of us nanolight flyers want to spend a few days flying round the Grampians & Steve's place is ideal with cabins next to the strip. We have flown out of here on a few occasions & can usually contact him through his website. Unfortunately this no longer exists & his landline is not connected. Pretty sure he had a mobile, so if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
  19. According to a report I have read, the area to the North of the road is being turned into a solar collection farm & the viewing area is expected to be closed for 18 months.
  20. Hard clay soil, no problem. Not sure about rocky ground but small rocks shouldn't present a problem. Big rocks, just move around until you find clear ground?
  21. Sorry, don't have a brand name. I think these came from Aldi. Just google screw in tent pegs & many options will show up. Bunnings have metal ones & another company seems to have ones with a greater diameter which could be better in sandy soil.
  22. Mister screwits are just too much hard work. I use this
  23. Hi Mike, you appear to be near a mate of mine ,Paul Madigan. We have flown in to one of his paddocks years ago. Also landed at a strip near the North coast & the prison airstrip when it was operational.
  24. Cobden is a really friendly strip. Lakes entrance landing fees are pretty steep. There is a strip at the top of the hill before you get to the township but not sure of the go there.
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