Ian, Google Easyjet, Sky Europe, GermanWings, & as a last resort Ryanair. We used the first three airlines last year, all booked on internet & no problems. Have a great trip,
Rgds Pete
Hi w3stie,
I built a single seat trike from a set of plans & it was pure magic to fly. Unfortunately the plans were withdrawn due to possible copyright infringement. There is a 2 seat trike available as a kit from the UK called the Huntwing. I'm not sure if there is a local agent.
Sounds ok to me. I can post it Monday if you want to pm me your postal address. Just in case you are interested I also have Megascenery California (with charts) & Just Flight VFR Photographic Scenery Southeast England. Do you want to pay by eft or perhaps post me a money order on receipt. Let me know,
Rgds Pete
Are you training with young Aub Coote? I did my cross training from 2-axis with him at Lethbridge in their Gazelle. We are flying the X-air (red/blue) at Barwon Heads. Call into the last hanger next to the western end of 08 & say Hi if we are there. Good luck with the rest of your training you are in very good hands with Aub.
Regards Pete Wood
Hi John,
Not sure who would carry one here. Try Wal at Bert Flood Imports Vic 03-9735 5655 or even California Power Supplies in the States.
Good luck..Pete
Hi Azhar,
You might like to try lobbying the RAAus. I think at one point Rod was trying this approach & was met with a reponse along the lines of " It should be possible to register as 95.32 with different wing, we will check it out." That was all he heard & put it in the too hard basket. I reckon it would be worth trying again.
Regards Pete
Yes, there is a bir-end bearing tester which is quite cheap & screws into the spark plug holes. Not quite sure how it works but I think it measures TDC & if it is within certain parameters then the bearings are ok.
Regards Pete
Yes it can be done. My flying buddy did it with his Quasar. When the sail died, he got a replacement cost from the Pegasus guys in UK. It was somewhere in excess of $5000!! So he found a low hour edge wing complete with sail & bought it for $1000. He then made minor modifications to the hang bracket & he was in business flying again. The only drawback was that he could not register it under 95.32 as a 2-seat aircraft so it was registered as a single seater under 95.10. RAAus had no problems registering the trike. He recently sold it without any problems.
Regards Pete
Glen, try the download libraries at: http://www.avsim.com, http://www.flightsim.com, or http://www.simaviation.com. These sites have thousands of free download a/c, scenery etc. I'm sure one of them would have a trike or two.
Regards Pete
I recently read a review on a flight sim site about some new 3D anaglyph glasses manufactured by an Australian company. I had to download the required graphics drivers from Nvidia in order for the glasses to work & the result is nothing short of astounding (IMHO). I had a few problems setting up the new drivers & after scouring the Nvidia site for answers, without success, called the glasses company for support via email. This was on a Saturday morning & I received a response within 15 minutes!!! The Techie managed to resolve my problem by Sunday, & sent detailed instructions via 3 separate emails. Each time he followed up to see if I had succeeded. I couldn't believe the level of service from an Australian company over a weekend & for a product that only cost $30. The name of the company is Eyecessories & their website can be found at www.eyecessories.com.
Notice the 2 old hangers to the north of the field? Full of Hawker Hunter jets. About 12 in total last time I peeked through the gap in the doors. I can't be sure but I believe they were purchased from Malaysia after they were de-commissioned.