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Everything posted by XP503

  1. Hi Folks Airsport flying school at Boonah Airfield is now home to an immaculate, 1947 Aeronca Chief, a genuine classic side by side taildragger aeroplane bursting with old school charm. It is currently undergoing some final touches at UIltimate Aero and will be available for tail wheel endorsements and pleasure cruising very soon. It has a quaint automotive interior and performance to match many LSA trainers on the market, whilst offering a chance to experience old world charm in a fully refurbished and immaculate aircraft. (07) 5463 4028 www.airsportqld.com,au
  2. Just saw this now. Yes there used to be a blue Hyperlite at Boonah. Many years ago. It went for a buzz one windy morning and came back with battle scars, then disappeared.
  3. Watched it whilst mid downwind. Looks like the right wing stalled on take off and it rolled steeply to the right heading for the crowd and flight line but I think maybe the wingtip dug in, so lucky it didn't roll inverted
  4. Well Aldo On behalf of the members of the SPFC allow me to offer my apologiesfor the way you felt when you visited. Mason Field is and always has been a private airfield and under strict agreements with the GCCC,. However, it is by far one of the friendliest and most welcoming flying clubs In Australia, and boasts an active membership who welcome enthusiasts or potential members with open arms. which makes me sad to hear of your negative experience. Please PM me youd like a proper,welcome or tour etc. . If you're interested I can arrange another visit and perhaps a flight with one of the many aircraft there. It is common knowledge that Mason field is a very exclusive flying club but it is also important to remember that what was once a swamp of mangroves has been developed into a world class Flying club through the hard work and life savings of those few members who started the club without any assistance from any governing body. In an era wher airfields are being swallowed up by housing developments it is a testament to the vision that those members had, securing what would otherwise be a housing estate or goff course, not to mention the huge financial sacrifices made by a select few in the genesis of club. I hope you can understand and by all means the offer is there if you want to visit the club sometime in the future. David Mason
  5. Treat the nose wheel as if it were made of glass.
  6. Treat the nose wheel as if it were made of glass.
  7. Aircraft spruce
  8. Ultimate Aero Boonah
  9. XP503

    Drifter Heaven

    How much Geoff ! Pics?
  10. Last I knew it was at YJCW, in a former life it has been on its back landing in long grass, minimal damage so righted and flown home! I know a chap who used to own a share in it he has since bought his own wire braced.
  11. Hello guys, I want to organise a Fly-In and I'm interested to hear other peoples advice, warnings, suggestions or first hand experiences in doing just that. The event I am dreaming up will be targeted to pilots of a specific aircraft but by no means strictly exclusive. My main concern is legalities and all that BS, I hear all the time that the humble fly in of the AUF days can't exist anymore due to red tape, liability concerns etc etc. Am I better off not calling it a fly in or even an event? A bootleg fly in of sorts. Hit me with your thoughts folks!
  12. G'day Patrick, try Rob on 0457 780 436 or Richard on 0754632476
  13. I should be there in the Waco
  14. Yes the Brumby is there
  15. Space at Boonah, call Ian McGregor on 54634028
  16. I love Facebook because of the Drifter Aircraft Appreciation Society! !!!!!!
  18. Sorry admin I had a few after work ales before I wrote that. Never a good idea.
  19. "We're not interested in Jab knockers, when they're going well, they're great, we just want thefacts. So the problem was?" Jabs are great when they 'go', sure that's true. Unfortunately they are also great at the whole "stopping" thing too. But everyone knows that it only looks that way because there's so many flying. So at least Jab drivers can rest easy knowing that the jabiru that fails next week or even the next couple that fail in november probably won't be them because theres sooooo many flying to choose from. Maybe it could be jabs slogan: "With so many jabirus flying, it probably won't be your engine that fails anyway!" its great that there are many jabs and good on them for the success. The fact that there is so many flying should be a feather in their cap, and a sign that they have had a lot of practice, instead it is an apparent justification for the monthly list of engine failures.....
  20. Wasnt me just a friend. Join the Drifter Aircraft Appreciation Society page on Facebook you could arrange to meet
  21. I'm proud to use the term 'Ultralight' if that is what I am flying on the day. Couldn't care less what assumption people want to jump to, I'll let my flying do the talking. I wish it was still the AUF........ A name change is one way to convince the uneducated that we aren't lunatics in death machines but I can think of a better one.... Fly better..... As far as I am concerned a Jab or a Sav is an ultralight, and nothing at all like a Cessna.....
  22. If youre on facebook you should join the Drifter Aircraft Appreciation Society page and ask there. Heaps of helpful guys there
  23. "I wouldn't put one on line without being very careful of who flies it Nev" Funny, I hear things like this being said nowadays (not just on here but at airfields ) and think....20 yrs ago the overwhelming majority of AUF flying schools had a Drifter or several Drifters online. I can only assume the instructors and pilots where better back in the day?
  24. Hope these images help. You could try moving the battery aft or a weight down the tail
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