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Everything posted by XP503

  1. In the ''News Section'' on the home page - every news story is about some horrific crash usually with pitcures. Whilst I dont mind this and find them informative, but is this the type of thing we want to display front and centre? Otherwise, Brilliant site ian
  2. Hello everyone I just wanted to let you all know that Boonah Aviation Inc. is on Facebook and is updated daily with happenings from around the airfield and all sorts of aeroplane info etc... If you are on Facebook you can ''like'' us to keep up to date! facebook.com/BoonahAviationInc
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  3. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Shame to see it go :-( Can you spot the lookout platform in the second pic of Mt French, I love waving to them as I drift by hahahaha
  4. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    SOOOOOO freakin cool TEX!!!! I may be biased but we do have the best playground to fly round in ay! Hey TEX, you still selling your bird?
  5. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Yea your'e right,,,,,,, hmmm maybe he is just taxying a short distance back to the hangar or something, looks like a helmet in the back seat. BTW that is the drifter that went through the fence at Clifton
  6. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Haha Spanky is an old mate of mine, but I got it off the RFC website :-)
  7. This is looking directly into the tank, you can see that it is clean inside.
  8. Yes as far as I am aware it is off a 582 or 618, there is a bit of residue on the outside as you can see but I am sure it would clean up just fine. I don't need it so you can have it for the cost of postage :-) Happy to help.
  9. It's all yours if you want it
  10. Good to hear mate, all the best :-)
  11. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  12. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Perhaps the most travelled Drifter in OZ, Kiwi's 0404 of Boonah Flying Tigers
  13. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    This Drifter trained many a pilot with Peter Reed at Kooralbyns ''Skyflite''
  14. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Two of Boonah Sport Aviation Centre SB582's in formation on another adventure - TALLY HO!
  15. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  16. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  17. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  18. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  19. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  20. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  21. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  22. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  23. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  24. XP503

    Drifter Pics

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