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Everything posted by XP503

  1. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  2. XP503

    Drifter Pics

  3. Viva le Drifter
  4. Glad to hear you're enjoying your Gazelle mate, as I said, I was in love with them to the point of wanting to start a support group etc but I suppose I saw the light and have a new love, the Drifter - so happy you are pleased with your Gazelle please fly safe and keep it maintained Happy Aviating :-))))))
  5. Maj I have a box of old 582 spares out the back I will check in the morning, I know ive got an oil tank, not sure about the resivoir ( you mean the small one that only has to be filled every now and then right?) Dave
  6. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Fisher/Drifter hybrid with 582 sitting on the 'Tigers flight line
  7. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Two Strutty's about to head off on a Dawn Patrol of the Scenic Rim
  8. This is great news!
  9. Interesting topic. I learnt on a skyfox gazelle and used to be paranoid about turbulence and rough conditions for fear that the airframe wouldn't handle it, this was because I had read about all the structural problems these a/c have had. Looking back I was probably worried over nothing. In my Drifter I can honestly say I enjoy it when the air is a bit choppy. Of course I would NEVER fly the drifter out of it's limitations or my own, but I love riding the thermals or on going aloft on a windy day and using it's energy to my advantage. On days like these, turbulence is just part of the game. I would be more concerned about the pilot who only ever flies in perfect conditions then one day finds himself in unfamiliar territory, say on the way home from a fly in or something. Lastly, if you are worried that your aircraft isn't strong enough to handle turbulence, do you really want to fly in it???? *my two cents*
  10. Yea I absolutely agree David.
  11. Have to chuckle, the pilot in this video is a very well known and respected CFI and ROC. The flight also takes place over a designated low flying area. For the record, not something I would do in my Drifter but not as reckless as it looks. :-)
  12. Are u sure kaz???? That happened last year....
  13. XP503


    Not a huge fan..... What about sideslips? Plus the basic stick and rudder skills that it doesn't require.
  14. Washout also makes the a/c less likely to enter a spin, and also easier to recover from a spin, from what I've read.
  15. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Great photos tex!!!
  16. XP503

    Wire V's Strus Braced

    Still available. :-(
  17. XP503

    Wire V's Strus Braced

    As much as I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy don't want to sell mine.... here is a shameless plug http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Maxair-XP503-Drifter-/170790758194?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item27c3ec2732
  18. Only selling to fund my CPL!!!!!!!! Don't want to see her go :-(
  19. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170790758194&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:AU:1123
  20. Haha oh jeez. That coulda ended bad! I had the wheel come off the drifter but we won't bring that up again hahaha how embarrassing
  21. what did you lose Tomo?
  22. Yea that's a good idea definitely test the waters first before you commit. Especially if it's a newer model or non proven design. Oh and I know your more than capable re: a/c maintenance etc... I was simply rambling about all my accomplishments today, just pointing out how great it is to be able to tinker with your own toy at your own leisure. You could definitely teach me a lot about a/c maintenance, I spend most of my time calling Wayne or Richard Eacott (heeelllp haha) I bet theyre sick of my calls.....hahha pretty cool stuff tomo!!!!!!
  23. Amen Tomo Dave Briffa at Boonah lets me fly his Texas Taildragger C150 with the 120hp and I am smiling from ear to ear from the moment I get in and all the way home again.
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