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Everything posted by XP503

  1. WOOHOO Tomo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though I told you in another thread to get your cpl - it would be soooo cool to have another young guy with their own aeroplane. I went to my bank, asked for some money and they gave it to me. HAHA ok so there was paper work referees and blah blah but its doable. WHAT TYPES ARE YOU LOOKING AT TOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It rained today so I changed the plugs, cleaned the fuel filter, degreased the 503 and painted the exhaust pot black, filled a chip on the prop and filed it back, checked the tension on nearly every bolt on the airframe, retouched the paint here and there, fitted a neat little storage bag behind my seat, straightened the tailwheel spring and painted it chrome. Then the rain stopped and I coudn't resist so I went for a buzz to make sure it still flew (and it did - better actually) Tomo my biggest advice is take someone with you when you inspect, I went alone and bought it, then paid over $800 for Wayne Fisher to do the condition report. SO EXCITED FOR YA TOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Get your commercial instead Tomo and buy 4 of them and a pitts when you retire from the left hand seat.
  3. Cool sounds good DD, sorry didn't mean to bag it out too much but just speakin from experience I always made a point of stopping there every time at YBAF, I hope they both do well. It sometimes feels a bit like walking thru an abandoned theme park that "once was" lol
  4. Hey dd. Oops my mistake then, I drove past on my way to the terminal and it looked boarded up and no one home.....? When I was training at YBAF I always stopped in there to support them but to be honest the place is a dive.... I reckon it's great to have a cafe at an airfield that's why I always stop and get something even if it's just a mars bar, I'd rather give my $ to them than McDonalds etc. Lets support airfield businesses!!!
  5. Used to go night flying over the GC with Grandpa - it is the most magical experience with all the lights. - However many will say that a Night VMC rating is for the sole purpose of departing before sun up and getting home after sunset without killing yourself, not for joyriding around at all hours of the night.
  6. Awesome Tomo! Yea the cafe could be hard to find, its a 'hole in the wall' - I just stumbled across it. - but like I said in between the RQAC and the Airline Academy where the trees and seats are, only thing between you and the apron/tie downs is a big chicken wire fence to keep the honest people out hahahahaha It is very small but cosy and has some top quality food etc there ........unlike the now closed cafeteria near the terminal.
  7. Hey guys, dropped into YBAF today and discovered a new little cafe only just opened between rqac and airline academy, right on the apron, great coffee food etc.. Really nice girl runs it, shaded seating to watch the a/c take off and taxi past. I really hope it goes well for them!!!!
  8. The boomerang will outlive most other ac on the flightline and will take more of a beating. Structure is modular so repairs are easier. Btw I love Tecnams
  9. Thanks Tomo, perhaps u and me both
  10. Yep robs an old mate. So jealous of u tomo. When u takin me flying
  11. What's the Pawnee like to fly Tomo? When I was a kid I used to bum rides in the dickie seat of the tug at Boonah, I was obsessed with them for ages. How does it compare to other TD's you've flown, have you bounced it yet?
  12. Haha one cup of coffee too much! Had the same problem enroute casino to armidale, had to divert to Glenn Innes!!! Was so glad to be on the ground!!!!
  13. Yep they would be worth it.
  14. Wayne Fisher
  15. Good work John
  16. It was a j400 at Boonah, but it is rarely flown, I doubt the owner would have reported it to raaus
  17. Same thing happened to a Jab at Boonah
  18. Use active 2t in my Maxair xp503. Hope u enjoy ur new toy!!
  19. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Beautiful morning flight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flew over to Boonah, landed with a good south westerly blowing across 22 which is always good fun! Wind was quite stronger the higher I got and I could see the lenticulars forming around the ranges so I took off, levelled off at 1500' before Mt French and starting riding the ridge lift all the way up to 4500' without using barely any power!!! then let the wind blow me over to Mt Edwards where the currents flowing over the top of it took me up to nearly 8500 feet!!!! Without barely using the engine!!! (had to check that YAMB wasn't active though) Then went and landed at a friends place near Moogerah Dam and then home with plenty of fuel still in the tank HAHAHAAHA....
  20. I put them on my drifter to stop mud/ grass/crap going ALL over the aircraft, plus Im sure theyve stopped a few little stones going through the prop too...maybe?? Looks ten times better with them on but of course makes no difference to speed.
  21. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Sitting in the front seat as I write this post, waiting for engine to warm up lol. Viva le Drifter!!!!
  22. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Another thing, the other day, I was out doing stalls and incipient spins - with the power at idle. Whilst approaching the stall (speed minus 30kts and dropping quick) I noticed the engine RPM slowing so much that the engine wanted to stop and I had to increase RPM to bring it up to at least my idle RPM which is 2200. However on one particular stall I didn't touch the throttle and sure enough, the engine stopped.... I glided down to my home strip and it was a non event but I find it strange because it idles fine on the ground when I start it, with the throttle fully closed and I don't believe the idle needs adjusting, it is serviced by Richard Eacott and it idles like a dream on the ground..... I guess my question is, why - in the air, during stalls, AND with (low) airspeed creating a windmill effect, does the engine RPM drop below the yellow arc to the point where it will stop if not managed by inputs from pilot?
  23. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Then on the way home I landed in a friends lucern paddock to say hello.
  24. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Took mine to 9450 feet today, for something to do..... I could have got to the big 1-0 if I had a bit more patience but I think she was getting a bit bored.
  25. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Dusted the feathers off my bird today, actually flown every day this week.....just sayin, not braggin hahaha
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