Spectrum Aviation is still going and Wayne is very knowledgeable on the type, however website prices are out of date. I was going to buy one but went for a Maxair XP503 instead.
Thought some out there might like to know I have purchased a new toy in the form of a refurbished 1988 Maxair Drifter WB503 which I intend to keep in immaculate condition and fly to my hearts content.
Gday Mate, checked ebay but search revealed nothing????? Got a link maybe?
One option is Wayne Fisher for new ones but Bill at Roma has a set that I will look at too.
Hello. Just putting it out there wondering if anyone has any spats to suit a drifter they want to offload. I suppose I would need the brackets too? (haven't purchased the a/c yet)
Top stuff Tomo, good to see ya not afraid to wack a little side slip on if you need to, musta been trained in a Drifter hey? hahahaha
Good hold off technique as well, keeping that nose up.
Tomo, would be awesome to meet another young fella who is as madly obsessed with aviation as I am! At this stage I could be in a C150 Texas taildragger but I'm not sure. My number is 0468653440 so msg me on the day would be great to catch up mate!
Yes you two looked like you were having a great time. I reckon kiwi's would have to be one of the most widely travelled drifters around, must have been to every fly-in/airshow in the last ten years!!! Haha
Hi there, went for a flight with a friend in his 150 taildragger in formation with a 172 from Boonah over to the Gold Coast today, got some nice shots thought I would share
Yea I thought I would get a shot of the weather that made us turn around on the ranges near maleny, although in the photo the weather doesn't look that bad....