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Everything posted by XP503

  1. Oh no I hope it wasn't this biplane http://www.darlingdownstigermoths.com.au/
  2. How is Qantas to blame for it's Rolls Royce engines failing, it is Rolls Royce who have the problem. A Singapore Airlines A380 also had the same problem with one of its engines and was only found as a result of the A380s being grounded after the Qantas incident. A Google search of safest airlines based on statistics ranks Qantas at an undisputed number one, this is also common knowledge amongst most people. Many American airlines have had tragedies where hundreds of people have died so I don't understand Maj Millards FAA comment????
  3. Maybe I was being picky but come on, it's not rocket surgery HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. I love Qantas, for many reasons. Be aware of those who tell you wild stories about this and that. Remember it says a lot about an organization that bags out the competition - usually a sign that something is wrong with their brand. There is no denying Qantas' safety record, service and their exceptional pioneering of air travel in Australia. But this is Australia, famous for "tall poppy syndrome" So it will be interesting to hear what others have to say about this hugely successful global empire......
  5. Wow now I really feel like the spelling police......... Aussie Carl there is no U in Qantas..... mind boggling stuff......
  6. It is a shame to hear this about Qantas.
  7. Winsor68, what is so bad about living in the past sometimes? I am just finishing reading Smithy's story, in it the trials and tribulations of the then newly born Q.A.N.T.A.S are detailed - I think all Australians and especially ALL pilots should have the utmost time and respect for the pioneers of aviation in this country, and therefore be proud of the airline that QANTAS has become today..... Are you saying that you have lost respect for QANTAS due to them having a couple of engine failures? How about some congratulations to the expert pilots who brought their giant crippled aeroplanes back to earth safely? Surely as ultralight pilots a couple of engine failures shouldn't scare us.....
  8. Jayz it makes me more mad to know that you don't know how to spell QANTAS. It stands for Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Service. The media is just doing what it always does, and always will.
  9. and right beside emu gully there is another little private strip,
  10. Does anyone know how the Gatton Airpark faired? And where abouts is the strip at Grantham? I can't find it on Google Earth.
  11. That is terrible news.........
  12. Yep.....pretty sad. Lots of destruction everywhere, I am sure it is one of many aircraft affected.....
  13. Interesting thread, funny coincidence I received Peter Fitzsimons Book about Smithy for Christmas. I am half way through, what an amazing read!! I am going to take a look at VH-USU for myself.
  14. In a Jabiru!!!! Hahaha
  15. http://www.airsportqld.com.au
  16. Glenn has heaps of copies to send to you
  17. I'd love to check out the demo too! I'm free Wednesday arvo
  18. It sure was a great night.
  19. HAhahahaah
  20. Trust me I have learned a bucketload by being a hangar rat. Especially about the ins and outs of aerolpanes.... Washing a/c is the easiest way to find little things that are not right or things that have come undone or unscrewed themselves etc..... If you are serious about wanting to come out and help wash the aeroplanes at Airsport then I would be more than happy to show you the ropes, I need all the help I can get as I am very busy with work these days and the aeroplanes get dirty quickly, message me if you are keen. Thanks
  21. Motzartmerv you are spot on, I hope this bigglesworth listens to you. And where does it say that "cheetahs" can't roll over in a crash? What a stupid way of thinking, I just hope there is no passenger on board when you prove that theory wrong..........grrrrrr pilots like this cause the rest of us a whole world of trouble now pull ya head in, an aeroplane and rules of the air should be shown more respect.
  22. I'll be honest biggles you sound like a gung ho cowboy and guess what, they all crash and die. Listen to your instructors and play by the rules or sell your plane and stay on the ground.
  23. Get some more training before you kill yourself.
  24. I have been doing it every weekend and spare moment of my life since I was 12, you do it for the love of aeroplanes mate and that's it. Mind you, by being the Boonah hangar rat I learnt to fly for free and many other perks. Btw most aircraft owners enjoy washing their own machines.
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