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Everything posted by XP503

  1. Yes Andrew that is the general opinion out there from those I have spoken to. No better place than online at a busy school to see whether its a good or bad egg, poor training aircraft have a hard life and not a lot of LSA's can handle it ` Hats off to Brumby It is great to see an LSA with a bit strength through intelligent design and quality building now it's time for them to step u[ their production rate and sell their product, I wish them all the best
  2. Airsport Queensland at Boonah airfield is getting a high wing Brumby online for training and hire very soon, many pilots excited to try it. They sure look like they are built properly by folks that know a thing or two.
  3. Oh sorry no you're wrong you misread my post :) The persons actions to me indicate psychopathic tendencies or that the person may have any number of mental issues such as schizophrenia, cleptomania, dysphoria, and not of sane thinking. How intelligent he is is irrelevant. I don't recall saying he wasn't either?
  4. Yes the airfield does have some opposition within the community but I can't imagine someone taking this action, but it is a possibility. I have been giving this thought and am certain that the culprit must be psychopathic, or mentally ill, their actions no different to cutting your brake lines or the like, intended to kill or harm someone..... pretty scary that they're out there. The hangar did have a key box with a number combination for students or private hires to arrive early, as there is no sign of a break in, this is probably how they got in. Obviously this has been removed and I believe the locks are being changed. That is all I know at this stage but I am sure the police will catch this guy.
  5. Hello everyone :-) First of all thanks for reading this thread but I have to be the fun police and ask that posts from now on relate to tracking this guy down, I'm all for a bit of fun banter but let's just get serious for a second if possible? Expensive items have going missing from the hangar and some very serious intererence has occurred on several airframes in our hangar by someone accessing the hangar when it is locked and no one is present, undetected, the tampering would have resulted in serious injury or death to pilot, passengers and even people on the ground. If you can't see the serious side to this then please take your jokes elsewhere - Sure, the man pictured may not be the culprit and this is not a witch hunt for an innocent man, however he is on film entering a locked and unoccupied hangar, removing covers off aircraft, pulling the starter cord on a 503 (this particular aircraft was the one that had been sabotaged most recently and seriously, luckily a thorough preflight prevented another RAAus statistic), it shows him snooping around private aircraft and belongings. So again, although this may not be the person responsible for the vandalism, he is not known or recognized by ANYONE on the field and as you can understand, this is of great concern to aircraft owners here at Boonah. I don't know too many plane spotters that break into hangars, and act in this manner. This is an appeal to the aviation community for help and also a warning, perhaps he visit's your airfield too? Thanks in advance to you fellow aviators and hopefully we can find the responsible person/s - be it this mystery man or someone else. :-)
  6. Not yet patrick
  7. [ATTACH=full]29229[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]29230[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]29229[/ATTACH] Boonah Airfield: After several aircraft owners noticed their planes had been tampered with a security camera was installed and before long caught images of a man fiddling with aircraft. The matter is now in police hands, does anybody recognize him?
  8. [ATTACH=full]29229[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]29230[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]29229[/ATTACH] Boonah Airfield: After several aircraft owners noticed their planes had been tampered with a security camera was installed and before long caught images of a man fiddling with aircraft. The matter is now in police hands, does anybody recognize him?
  9. Boonah Airfield: After several aircraft owners noticed their planes had been tampered with a security camera was installed and before long caught images of a man fiddling with aircraft. The matter is now in police hands, does anybody recognize him?
  10. Hello Drifter drivers, asking for a friend - wondering if anyone out there particularly those who own Fisher Mk1's would have or know where to get the weight and balance information. Any assistance greatly appreciated.
  11. That's a shame about the Taree training diss appearing. I know insurance and low engine tbo s for 2 strokes are a big hurdle for drifters in a training role. I think it's sad. There was a time when 90% of schools of course had a drifter.... Yes Jim Cab. Rec. Aviation have a drifter avail I am guessing 2 schools have an agreement for it to share it's duties between there and the RFC at Gynpie. For all things Drifter go to the new Facebook group the "Drifter appreciation society"
  12. Hi Skydancer, just wondering if you were making any progress on the availability of Drifter training or hire down there? If you are on Facebook, I have set up the "Drifter aircraft appreciation society" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419567688295037/ and want to publish just where abouts in Aus one can still train and hire a Drifter. I am also looking for any old/new Drifter pics, stories, tips, classifieds, etc.. Hope you can join soon, and anyone else out there who wants to, of course
  13. Thanks guys, it would be so great if everyone adds their own little bit to the group, who knows what old pics or stories we may uncover. Spread the word, viva le Drifter!
  14. Hello everyone. For those that are on Facebook I have started a page called the "Drifter aircraft appreciation Society". https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419567688295037/permalink/1420930654825407/ It's all about sharing our love and admiration for the mighty machines as well as many pictures and stories to come. Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Let's keep the spirit of the Drifter alive!!!!
  15. Horiz stab is only attached by the 4 cables that go from stab up to rudder and stab down to boom
  16. The ribs in the tail feathers are foam cut to fit snug and held in place by anti-chafing tape. Here is a photo of the internals. Sorry about the messy junk room.
  17. There is probably space at Boonah if that's not too far away
  18. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Thanks for that info
  19. Yes I noticed they were pretty worn
  20. G'day Huggy, I work for Nigel and own a Drifter at Boonah, I pumped up your tyres just last week hahaha, looks like you've got yourself a nice aircraft.
  21. I remember thinking the same thing when I saw this picture a long time ago, by the looks of their position they must be connected to the rudder pedals and I presume assist with adverse yaw? Certainly not a common mod. The fabric on her wings is very loose too. Not a good fabric job........
  22. Hello I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with the Lea Kestrel aircraft and would you mind if I asked you a few questions?
  23. Cheers mate, good to know, I just want one little bolt that I sheared off due to my brute strength (stupidity?)
  24. Yep, can you post them up to me, I posted the bolt to the guys at Dalby to see if they had it and just sent it in an envelope. Will pm
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