Hello everyone :-)
First of all thanks for reading this thread but I have to be the fun police and ask that posts from now on relate to tracking this guy down, I'm all for a bit of fun banter but let's just get serious for a second if possible?
Expensive items have going missing from the hangar and some very serious intererence has occurred on several airframes in our hangar by someone accessing the hangar when it is locked and no one is present, undetected, the tampering would have resulted in serious injury or death to pilot, passengers and even people on the ground.
If you can't see the serious side to this then please take your jokes elsewhere - Sure, the man pictured may not be the culprit and this is not a witch hunt for an innocent man, however he is on film entering a locked and unoccupied hangar, removing covers off aircraft, pulling the starter cord on a 503 (this particular aircraft was the one that had been sabotaged most recently and seriously, luckily a thorough preflight prevented another RAAus statistic), it shows him snooping around private aircraft and belongings. So again, although this may not be the person responsible for the vandalism, he is not known or recognized by ANYONE on the field and as you can understand, this is of great concern to aircraft owners here at Boonah. I don't know too many plane spotters that break into hangars, and act in this manner. This is an appeal to the aviation community for help and also a warning, perhaps he visit's your airfield too? Thanks in advance to you fellow aviators and hopefully we can find the responsible person/s - be it this mystery man or someone else. :-)