Hmmmm perhaps it is fuel Tomo, but it could just as likely be any other of the problems that make Jabiru engines stop quite regularly.
I agree that PERHAPS because there are so many Jab's out there (and *cough* experts, doing their own maintenance, tinker this, tweak that) then that is why we hear of their troubles so often......But I disagree that all other engines suffer the same amount of problems and we just don't hear of them.
Go to any airfield and it won't take you long to find someone who's having trouble with their Jab's engine, or has some other Jabiru horror story, guaranteed. (Again, I bloody love Jabiru's so I don't want anyone to get defensive, I know they are great, but lets not kid ourselves, they spoil a great product due to their engines bad reputation)
I just hope they are improving it in every way they can, through R+D at the factory, until then, I just won't be surprised at all when I hear that another one has stopped, I just hope no one is hurt.....