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Everything posted by XP503

  1. The Drifter is and always will be the most amazing aircraft in history..... There is no comparison.
  2. I departed Boonah in the Cub enroute for Warwick but had radio troubles half way there and made the decision to turn around.... :-( But I flew over 2 hours today in various other machines so I m happy
  3. LOL chill out
  4. I shall hopefully arrive in a machine from Boonah, by the sound of the breeze whipping past my window it will be a rollercoaster ride going through the range, WOOHOO!
  5. Hey guys just wondering if anyone is heading to Warwick tomorrow? Haven't heard much about this event, looks like the weather might clear up in time. :-)
  6. Dazza your analysis was spot on, she lost too much speed pulling up. That stall/spin scenario has always fascinated (scared) me, it happens so quick and has caught out even the most skilled. Saving up money to do my "Emergency Maneuver Training" with Phil Unicomb in a Pitts. I don't want to be bitten by a stall/spin. I am not morbid, this is just a topic that I am very interested in. See link below, "another one"
  7. Sure! just take the passenger up and have a safe flight as pilot in command. Surely you would have done a passenger endorsement flight test with an instructor and this will be evident in your logbook, I am presuming (ooooh) that you will be flying in an aircraft hired from the school/instructor that gave you the passenger endorsement so they are confident you are capable to take a passenger in their aircraft. Forget the little piece of plastic, you have been deemed competent by an instructor. Your concerns should be more centered on how you are going to make this flight SO safe and enjoyable for your first passenger. FLY MORE FLY SAFE Tally Ho! Dave
  8. Scary. Even the most experienced and skilled can get bitten. A lesson there for all of us, treat your machines with respect as they will turn on you if mistreated.
  9. OMG! Similar?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfsg0genEU
  10. The Eaglet is a nice aeroplane to fly isn't it!
  11. Yes my sister lives there, was pretty scary apparrently. Hope no one was injured.
  12. Well I wouldn't call myself a Jab - Knocker at all, quite the opposite. I'm just saying that it is no secret that Jabiru engines have an unfavorable reputation and that I hope things are being done to improve the safety of these great aircraft. I hope I am not opening up a can of worms that will get you all upset if I include this link....JabiruCrash.com - the story of my flight (and plane crash) in a Jabiru aircraft with Ron Bertram (deceased) - jabiru engine failure, Jabiru piston failure, ultralight
  13. Hmmmm perhaps it is fuel Tomo, but it could just as likely be any other of the problems that make Jabiru engines stop quite regularly. I agree that PERHAPS because there are so many Jab's out there (and *cough* experts, doing their own maintenance, tinker this, tweak that) then that is why we hear of their troubles so often......But I disagree that all other engines suffer the same amount of problems and we just don't hear of them. Go to any airfield and it won't take you long to find someone who's having trouble with their Jab's engine, or has some other Jabiru horror story, guaranteed. (Again, I bloody love Jabiru's so I don't want anyone to get defensive, I know they are great, but lets not kid ourselves, they spoil a great product due to their engines bad reputation) I just hope they are improving it in every way they can, through R+D at the factory, until then, I just won't be surprised at all when I hear that another one has stopped, I just hope no one is hurt.....
  14. Wow another Jabiru has an engine failure, anyone else not surprised? They seem to do that fairly often, luckily no one has died yet. Now please, I am not a Jabiru knocker, I have done a fair amount of flying in many Jabs, and love that they are an Australian success story and offer affordable flying to so many in this country and I really think they are a great aircraft. But someone has to say it - what is wrong with their engines and WHY isn't more being done to make them a safer engine? I really hope Jabiru will put some effort into making their engines more reliable.
  15. You are so lucky Tomo..... And I am not jealous at al.......
  16. Was a lovely afternoon for flying and what better way to spend it than taking the "cub" for a ride, at 60kts the big door can be opened and it becomes open cockpit! Just like a big Drifter really! http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=484&name=sortie-savage-cruiser-around-boonah
  17. Tally Ho! 2 Drifters on an early morning mission around Boonah. http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=483&name=drifter-dawn-patrol
  18. Hey guys I've just uploaded some photos from a recent weekend at Boonah, I think I uploaded them correctly, they are in the photo albums section. Cheers David
  19. Yep, my humble advice is to do your training with a good RAAus Instructor then convert over (and yes, do the CASA theory, it will stand you in good stead for your future flying endeavours and you will probably find it interesting and it will compliment your training) As much as I love cessna's and GA flying (grew up flying Grandpa's C182 sitting in a booster seat on the RH side) - I can fly a brand new Tecnam Eaglet from Boonah that has a TAS if 118kt with a glass cockpit for $145 p/h, I am making the most of the cheaper prices before they all start putting them up. AGAIN - There is no match to the sheer pleasure of soaring in a Drifter or some other rag and tube machine or a Tail-Dragger, being able to master one of these machines will improve your overall stick and rudder skills and you will become one with the machine.
  20. G'day Mate. I did my GA training at Archerfield with Gil Layts, CFI Steve Tadeucci is a crop duster pilot and will teach you the right stuff I highly reccomend them, GA training is getting pretty $$$ considering you can fly RAAus aircraft that are just as capable for 1/2 the price. MEANWHILE if you want to fly real aeroplanes like a DRIFTER, come out to Boonah they have one online at Airsport Queensland, as well as Tecnam's that will out-perform a cessna any day (and half the price and no landing fee) I am biased though as I spend nearly every day at Airsport helping out, it is a good atmosphere. Cheers.
  21. Viva La Tailwheel. (Should be part of the basic syllabus if you ask me) Speaking of freezing - myself and a bunch of Drifters are going on a mock WW1 dawn patrol tomorrow morning......thank god for freezer suits! Goodight
  22. I couldn't help myself I had to book in for another flight tomorrow as well.....
  23. True true...... I love ALL aircraft!!!!!!
  24. Yea, the Zlin Savage "Cub" is almost identical to the Super Cub, the Cruiser has different lines but - High wing, single engine, tandem seating, tailwheel, - goes like a rocket
  25. Hey Guys I have a new love in my life at the moment and feel the need to share after soaring around in the Savage Cruiser at Boonah (the "CUB" or "Red Rocket" as wel call it at Airsport) I just can't get enough. It's just me, the sky and the aeroplane and I am still on CLOUD NINE!!!!!!!!!!! Like every single aviation enthusiast and tailwheel fanatic who has given it a go (and some given up) It took a while to master, it is one of those machines that lull's you into a false sense of security and then hits you with a surprise, like a perfect landing turning into a 3 foot bounce then a bee-line for the fence posts. Stalls can be exciting as this bird wants to snap into a spin like a top, but it makes you feel so ALIVE and forces you to be positive with all control inputs - NO pussy footing around, FLY the machine and you will be rewarded, you can side slip down with flap and pull her up into someone's backyard if you have to. As soon as I have given her full power I am off the ground and climbing straight up. Anyway sorry about the rant but I have been SO addicted to flying the RED ROCKET lately and I am immensley impressed - BUT - it will not tolerate complacency or timidness on the controls, you've got to tell this machine who is boss and she will respond! I didn't think it was possible but my PASSION for aviation has been revitalised by by such a FUN MACHINE!!!! P.S - As most who fly it say, it is like flying a Big, High performance Drifter, and we all know THEY are the ultimate fun machine. (Stay tuned for videos) David Mason
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