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Everything posted by XP503

  1. Will be there in the Eaglet.
  2. I have a little handheld that I always listen to when not flying....
  3. Not too sure about tie-down points but beware of a C210 operator there who yells at you over the radio if you make too many radio calls, as my friend found out.... Otherwise Gympie is a lovely place.
  4. Yea I normally do it as JeffC has written. Full idle, check mags one off, other one off. It stops much softer than those who rev it up as they shut it down.
  5. When switching the mags off - the RPM should be as slow as possible or at least full idle, correct? I have noticed pilots revving the engine then switching both mags off, is there a reason for this that I am unaware of? Cheers
  6. GraemeK I actually thoroughly enjoy reading Jim Davis articles, I am not too concerned if he is wrong about the static vents, but the point he is making is still valid. I have written unhappy letters to the editor and to Doug about that article but I will still buy the magazine I think it is one of the best and always enjoy reading it, especially Jim Davis' articles.
  7. Hey Spin, might be flying up with Dave in the Cessna if he is not too busy on Sat.
  8. Guys this sort of garbage should not be printed in a magazine like Australian Flying, this does absolutely nothing for promoting safety and cooperation in the air which is what he is complaining about, if this guy had his way we would all be grounded - we NEED to voice our opinions - the editor's email address is [email protected] so get in contact!
  9. XP503

    Aileron Flutter

    Is dropping the ailerons a good idea? Adds unnecessary drag and effectively gets rid of the washout that's been designed into the wing. The ailerons shouldn't flutter at all maybe the cables need to be tightened....
  10. I have RA Cert. Plus nearly all the endorsements and I still had to get a SPL just to be able to sit the GFPT flight test, perhaps I was misinformed. Tomo I am interested to hear what they say!!
  11. Don't despair Rampage, they will get it processed in time, surely you can keep training and logging the hours while you wait for it, I thought you just needed it before you go solo. The thing that takes up the time is usually the ASIC/AVID from what I'm told. Mine took about 2 weeks, I already had an ASIC. Try and stay positive people.....
  12. I am a HUGE Matt Hall fan. So proud!!!!!
  13. Thanks, what's Coax? How would I attach it?
  14. Hello everyone, I have a little Maycom hand held scanner and I am wondering if anyone out there knows if i can increase its range, would it be as simple as buying a different (larger) aerial for it and wacking it on?
  15. I am doing my PPL with Steve Taddeucci at Gil Layts Flying School at Archerfield, Steve is a crop duster pilot and a great instructor I highly reccomend them. The C150 costs $255 p/h plus landing fees.
  16. Thanks for your input guys, and Matt thank you for finding that in the AIP for me, I was going to do that when I got a chance. It really was bizarre how rude this other pilot was over the radio, at one point I remember him saying (yelling) over the radio that he was going to be complaining to CASA's John Mckormick about all these calls blocking up the airways...... Little bit distracting when you're coming in to land..... My friend wasn't speaking slow or messing up any calls, and wasn't stopping anyone else from broadcasting.
  17. Hello everyone, Just wondering what radio calls you would make arriving and landing at a new airfield with a CTAF. Of course it would vary depending on which leg you joined the circuit. I ask because a friend and I flew to Gympie today and as he joined the circuit he made these calls, -10 mile inbound -Crosswind -Downwind -Base -Final after the base call a C210 that was inbound came over the radio blasting my friend's use of the radio saying that so many calls were unnecessary, the pilot was extremely rude and pretty much yelling through the radio, I have never seen such a lack of courtesy over the radio. Just putting it out there as I am interested to hear your responses/experiences.
  18. Very sorry to hear about Glenda
  19. G'day Elias, how's you NAV's going?
  20. *not a fan of speculating without facts* Could it be a "li'l tinny"? The picture I saw resembled it. I know there is a silver one built by Richard Faint in that area however this a/c looked white, Richard's wife is also a pilot which had me concerned. Whatever the case I am sure we will all be hoping and praying for a speedy recovery for our fallen comrade.
  21. Probably a false news report, have you ever seen a 3 seater Savannah?
  22. jeepman that is a seperate incident. Really hope the pilot will be ok, apparrently she had to be cut out of the a/c
  23. There was a great article by Jim Davis in a recent Australian Flying mag about flight below the stall, It's worth a read and the suggested aerial excersice is fun too, similar to a wing-over.
  24. So long as it is healthy discussion not just a bunch of disgruntled members sitting around whinging and being negative, then that's great stuff. Tally Ho!
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