No worries watto. Unfortunately I don't know about leaving an aircraft there and don't have any contact details for anyone there, I imagine it would be ok.....
Someone who may know is a member of this site called "Kiwi" if you can find him on here and PM him he may be able to help you.
Sorry I am not sure of the length, it is a bit tight though. A J230 should be fine but there isn't much room to float along the runway so you will have to get it down asap.
Surface is grass and smooth last time I was there, could be boggy after rain.
If you're landing from the north (not sure of RW directions) be aware of a large tree that is just off to the left side of the runway and actually protrudes into the approach path somewhat - you can see this in google earth if you have a look.
The ground beyond the hangars at the southern end rises but not a great deal.
Apart from not overflying the winery that is about all the information I can give you, sorry I can't help with numbers or names.
Happy flying, and hey, why not drop into Boonah while you're in the area.