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Everything posted by XP503

  1. XP503

    Tail Shake

    Ah yea, I didn't think of the tailwheel. When you think about how much the main wheels shake after take off it seems quite possible.... Need to invent a mini-brake for the tailwheel haha
  2. XP503

    Tail Shake

    Hey guys just wondering if any other of you Drifter-Drivers get a tail shake in your aircraft when your out and about.... I fly SB582 models and I have always noticed a very subtle tail shake which I can also feel through the control stick... I can turn around and see the tail feathers shake every now and then. I have noticed that the trim tab is able to move a little bit and may be causing very slight flutter.... Anyone else out there noticed this?
  3. Great photos Tomo. Looks great wish I could have gone but had to work :-( Made up for it by doing about 2 hours "Drifting" around Boonah though. Great weather we are having now!!!
  4. Great video Pete-the-pilot! I am a fellow pilot of "Drifter 1810" Flew her a few times this week. Any more videos/pictures?
  5. G'day guys. I think there should be more pictures in the gallery of what you fly and where you fly it!!!! David.
  6. Hey guys, just found out the Boonah Gliding Club has a webcam set up for those who are interested. here is the link Welcome to the Boonah Gliding Club helps to know what the weather is like before you drive all the way out to the airfield. David
  7. XP503

    Drifter arm

    Hahahaha yes I too suffer from Drifter arm thank to these summer days....
  8. Definitely get your tailwheel endorsement, your flying will improve all-round.
  9. It doesn't actually have a battery, it has a pull start from inside the cockpit, just like a mower.
  10. Sorry I thought I was pretty clear in the point I was trying to make. I like the sound of your briefs they are pretty much the same as mine, tailoring the brief to the individual is a good way to go about it. None of this "teaching them how to fly it in case you die" stuff. See you all later I'm going flying....
  11. No sorry Qwerty that's an optical illusion caused by my camera, the prop appears to be stationary and spinning backwards when it is in fact fully started and idling. Turn the sound up.
  12. Skybum, your comment confuses me..... Have you read this thread from the start? ...So What you are trying to tell me is that every time you take a passenger flying you give them a "quick flying 101" and tell them that there is a possibility that you are going to die half way through this flight and "this is how you land the plane"... Are you pulling my leg or are you mad? There is no point in doing that, they are not going to be able to land the plane for you, unless they have had adequate training, all you are going to do by bombarding them with this is make them more nervous and question your ability to complete the flight safely. Again, you're better off minimizing the chances of you becoming incapacitated OR, if you think you are at risk, not taking passengers and instead take a safety pilot along for the ride. Your story about the instructor who "bought" his license simply proves my point, you should do a thorough self assessment before you take off, i.e "have I had my weeties"......."have I had enough water"........"how healthy is my heart".....Not doing this self-check is poor Airmanship. You say "imagine if he forgot his weeties when he was flying with a Gonad full of passengers" - Are you saying that if he had have given those passengers a briefing on what the instruments are and how to land the plane if he was to pass out, that they would have all landed safely.......GET REAL!!! student pilots do hours and hours of circuits and they still can't get it right! If I was one of those passengers I'd tell him to go eat his weeties, have a drink of water..... And then I still wouldn't fly with him! Whether your statistics are correct (can you tell me the source?) or not is irrelevant, I am not disputing that Pilot Incapacitation is not a serious issue or a factor in aircraft accidents, I am arguing that giving your passenger a XXXXy little briefing on how to fly an aeroplane because you think your going to die half way through is absolutely stupid. Tell me, were you able to fly an aircraft the first time you laid hands on the joystick? NO. If you think your passenger will be required to fly the plane at some point because you have not taken adequate measures to ensure you can perform your duties as Pilot In Command such as water, sustenance, rest and health or you're afraid it will happen at random, then send them to an RAAus Flying School and get them trained by an instructor because there is no point giving them a quick brief before take off, you will just sound crazy.
  13. There is no point! They are not going to be able to fly the plane, that only happens in movies. Most students can't grasp landing a plane after the first umpteen amount of circuits with an expert telling them what to do, how on earth is Mr Passenger supposed to get it right first time on their own. "Partners of Pilots" courses are a great idea and you should also do a self assessment to be certain you are healthy and not going to die mid-flight...... If you think you are at risk of collapsing dead at the controls then why on earth would you take anyone with you to your doom, let alone try and tell them how to fly you back to earth? If you think you are at risk you should only fly with another pilot.
  14. They sure do. Give Greg (CFI) a call on 5463 4028 and he'll be more than happy to help you out. Cheers Craig
  15. New model from Tecnam, online at Boonah, great aircraft for touring in, fast and comfortable. Watch Now!
  16. Drifting around the Boonah area, SE QLD Watch Now!
  17. Flying the Drifter from Boonah Watch Now!
  18. Thanks guys. Can't describe how much I love Drifters, everything about them. Those who haven't tried them need to discover the joys of Drifter-Driving. Also -We as an organization (RAAus) must never let aircraft like the Drifter become things of the past, it's sad to see only a few online at schools, considering these aircraft were the mainstay of flying schools not so long ago........going fast is great and plastic fantastic's look pretty and I love flying these too, but you're not a real pilot until you've done a bit of Drifter flying......
  19. G'day Tomo, not sure how far you are away from Boonah but the guys at Airsport Queensland will be able to help you, I think I heard that one guy was waiting for someone else to want their endorsement before he could start.
  20. Taking the Golf for a little spin.... Watch Now!
  21. I love flying!!!!!!!!!! Watch Now!
  22. flying the Drifter around Lake Moogerah in SE QLD Watch Now!
  23. G'day mate, good to see you're keen to get flying! You should pop out to Boonah and meet the guys at "Airsport Queensland" www.airsportqld.com One of the best flying schools in the country, great place to learn to fly with people who really enjoy flying. They have Tecnams, - low wing Golf, High wing Echo and brand new Eaglet, they've also got a Savage cub taildragger and a Strut Braced Drifter and really great instructors. Boonah is an hours drive from Brisbane and an awesome area to fly in. Doing your training quickly is great but it's also not something you want to rush, however the most effective way of learning is to do a full time course where you fly almost every day, it is a great way to progress faster than the average and therefore more cost effective too, also, really getting into the theory and being enthusiastic about the whole thing will show in your training progress. Once you get your pilot certificate, that's when you really start learning!!! Hope this has been a help, and good luck to you wherever you end up flying! David Mason
  24. Cheers Mate, all the best to you to. Happy Landings! David
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  25. Great photos Tomo good to see you enjoying yourself. Keep us posted!
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