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Everything posted by XP503

  1. There is no possible way you could impart enough wisdom in a passenger briefing to ensure your non-flying passenger could land the plane for you. I feel a brief like that would only heighten the passengers unease....
  2. Correct
  3. G'day mervart, the Eaglet is such a beautiful machine to fly. Differences and improvements on the P92 Super Echo are small but good. It handles in the air very similarly to the Super Echo, perhaps a little bit more stable, due to a few airframe design differences including a larger vertical stabiliser and rudder with a more sleek aft sweep. The Eaglet also has larger up-turns on its wingtips than the Super Echo, almost like little winglets, I imagine they have aerodynamic benefits. Main differences are in the cockpit, for a start, the seat position has been changed so that you have a better view under and in front of the wing whilst sitting in the pilots seat, I find my view restricted in a turn in the Super Echo but this has been inproved in the Eaglet, the cockpit windows are also larger and more windows have been added so that from the pilots seat you can get a 360' view around and behind the aircraft. I believe the Eaglet has more legroom than the Super Echo as well. The instrument panel on the model I have been flying looks more like a modern GA style layout, unlike any I have seen in other Tecnam models, more like a new model Cessna and well thought out. The Eaglet uses a key for the left/right magneto (c.d.i) and starter instead of switches, and circuit breakers instead of fuses. It is a great cruising machine, so roomy and comfortable, and very pretty! Happy Flying!
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