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Everything posted by XP503

  1. The Tecnam engine that failed at Boonah was not due to the engine malfunctioning I can assure you - and I will leave it at that -. {Moderated}
  2. True statement, such a shame the guys at the controls dont fly with a suitable landing spot at all times....... Quote formatting added by Mod xx
  3. My sentiments exactly Motzartmerv. I'd never want to see Jabs grounded however I'd love to see the engine reliability improved. I fail to see how anyone could justify disagreeing with this......?
  4. 1) We are concerned about what others fly and use as powerplants simply because our friends and fellow aviators operate these powerplants which have an unacceptable safety record and I personally feel that something should be done to improve the situation before more people are injured or WORSE. If it is wrong to have concern for the safety of fellow aviators and a desire to improve the safety of an engine then please forgive me...... 2)You mention that you flew your 2 stroke machine with the notion that the engine will fail at all times, as I do, and good on you. The problem I have is that somewhere along the line this fundamental lesson is not being taught. As I said, pilots just seem to be flying blissfully along over trees and rocks and mountains..... 3)Your argument that you need to go and fly GA to be blessed with better standards and reliability is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a while, I know the regulations regarding maintenance are more stringent as is the training but there is no reason whatsoever that a a rec pilot cannot enjoy flying that is just as safe or safer than any other machine in the sky. It comes down to TRAINING and knowing your aircraft. 4) A Jabiru goes down almost once a month, and yet you are telling me that I might risk being able to not fly my Drifter because of the public's perception on how it looks???.....my mind is boggling trying to grasp your logic.....So should we ban hang gliders and paragliders and bungee jumping because the public thinks they look a bit weird??? If I was Joe Public I would sooner ground the little white aeroplanes with the engines that tend to stop........... 5)Let me point out - I LOVE JABIRU'S - and I honestly mean that. I have flown them extensively, my Grandpa has a J400 which he flew around Australia with not one hiccup. I WANT jabiru to become an even greater success story. They have such a good product, and it is ruined by the dead weight at the front. 6) I'm just sick of hearing about them failing and injuring people. As members of the ultralight fraternity we should be banding together to demand a higher quality engine. 7) I'm afraid I disagree that this banter puts our freedoms at risk. I have no desire to destroy the privileges gained by our pioneers in fact my intentions are the complete opposite!!!!! I am pushing for a safer engine and more accountability from the manufacturer, as well as improved training by FTF's with regards to engine failures, wouldn't you agree this would result in a safer organization? 8) I am not a Jab-Basher so don't waste your breath calling me that, you can call me a Jab-Lover though hahaha. http://www.jabirucrash.com/ http://www.aircentre.com.au/aircraft/efato.htm
  5. XP503

    Drifter Pics

    Awesome! Hey where do you get those blue seatbelts from and how much mate?
  6. On an aside, I heard from a pilot friend today who rang RAAus to see what action they were going to take about solving the problems surrounding the rubber band powered dead weight AKA Jab engine - and was told by a senior RAAus exec - 'nothing because if we ground them then instructors will be out of work and no one will be able to learn to fly' What a crock. I am going to call them on Monday and get more info but if that is true then they are better watch out.....
  7. Yes the Jab came down in the Logan area and anyone from QLD will tell you that if it's not chained down with 10 CCTV cams monitoring it, the "Logan Bogans" will attack like paranahs. The place is a cess pool of low life, dole bludging, rats tail wearing uneducated scum of the earth. They probably sold the parts to buy drugs and they probably left their 5 snotty nose babies in the car with the windows up. When I become PM I'm going to send all the Logan Bogans to Nauru. Scum bags.
  8. Catch the bastards
  9. It will
  10. Airsport Boonah will have one online for training by December. Can't wait, they look awesome.
  11. Ignorance is bliss. I reiterate my point, a fantastic aircraft, an Aussie success story, fun to fly. All ruined because the engines are ticking time bombs, what a damn shame.....
  12. Yea probably a bit harsh in hindsight but seriously how many jabirus are going to have to crash due to engine troubles before everyone gets their head out of the sand? And why do they very seldom land in a suitable paddock or the like? I love the jab airframe they are bloody strong but that's no excuse to not have a way out when (not if) the fan stops. Such a shame as they are almost a great Aussie ac....jab lovers - don't bother, I've heard it allllll before,
  13. If you fly with an aircraft with a Jabiru engine, it is not a matter of 'if' it 'may fail' - it is a certainty that the piece of crap 'WILL' fail - Just such a shame that those who suffer the inevitible/unavoidable ''Jabiru Engine Failure'' curse (N.B applies to all jab engines) all seem unable to be within a safe gliding distance to somewhere decent to land. Are they ten foot tall and bullet proof? Oh well. Darwins theory being proven before our very eyes.......... No wonder RAAus is in such a bad shape.......... Whole bunch of jabiru drivers out there with no expertise and a hand grenade for an engine.... happy flying
  14. (Firstly: I am no expert on these things I will just say what I have heard and seen. Things can be stowed in the wings by undoing the velcro. I also believe there was a Fatality due to this because the stowed item slipped out the back, into the prop which chopped off the tail/ structural failure of some sort. If you have a large nose pod, a collapsable fuel bag should fit in there. a collapsable bag could also fit behind the piliots seat. I Know wayne fishers training drifter had a cargo pod moulded into the back of the front seat. I have seen pilots flying dual carrying a 10l jerry behind the pilots head attached to the A frame. There is also room to attach a collapsable bag behind the pax seat between that and the framework before the fuel tank that slopes back like this / http://www.drifteraircraft.com/DesktopModules/SimpleGallery/SlideShowPopup.aspx?PortalID=1&ItemID=57 would be interesting to hear what other knowledge drifter drivers can shed
  15. Do you train with Peter Reed? If so - you are in the best hands RAAus has to offer, and can be safe in the knowledge that you were taught by the VERY best......
  16. And some think theirs don't stink at all......
  17. I have Emah lined up to manufacture a set for my Drifter as soon as the funds permit. But it would be great to have a specialist maintenance facility/contact for parts/repairs etc.... Viva le Drifter!!!!!!!
  18. I am a Jabiru fan thanks very much, my Grandpa and I built a J400 and flew it around Australia, but I also don't sugar coat things and hide my head in the and, if you're too daft to admit that there are problems with a possibly good product like the Jabiru then that is your problem mate not mine. Just remember what your instructor should have told you, keep a suitable landing spot within reach so we don't have to read about your mishap. Happy Landings.
  19. Emah is still manufacturing the skins. Good luck finding someone as good as Wayne to take over the airframe (etc.) side of it......RIP
  20. That's good to know Patrick, may come to you for advice.
  21. Good pilot. Not legal in Aus but nothing the Sierra can't handle
  22. Thanks Dazza. And yea I will be there with bells on to fit yours with ya
  23. In the not too distant future I plan to purchase a new set of sails from Emah at Lismore. My question is, does anyone out there have any experience, tips and advice they would like to share? With the passing of Wayne and his depth of expertise, I am worried about getting it right. There are a few guys at Boonah who will hopefully offer support but I was wondering if any of you had anything to share on the topic. Thanks in advance
  24. I will say this, the cabin of a Jabiru is tough as nails, id feel a bit safer coming down in one of them than most other LSA's - (roblem is, they come down more often than most..........*not jab bashing*** I love all aeroplanes :-))))))) But holy moly theyve got a strong cabin structure
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