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Everything posted by XP503

  1. Why would an ultralight be flying at 8pm???
  2. I know it's not hugely relevant but it's spelt TECnam. There's no H
  3. Nothing wrong with giving advice and having a discussion. Sometimes it helps to get a different perspective.
  4. Keep practicing and you'll get it. Look at the end of the runway as you flare. You say your speed is correct but if you are floating down the runway then you're too fast. Not much of a problem on a nice big runway but when you have to land in a paddock you'll hit the trees at the end.
  5. Channel 9 said she was 24
  6. Well I tried to remove it but I can't. Anyway sorry again. Hope she's ok.
  7. well id love to be proven wrong. I really would. Sorry if I upset you, in hindsight I've removed what I said.
  8. Another accident highlighting the importance of only flying over country you can land in. Makes you wonder whats being taught.
  9. Poor thing she's only 24 as well. :-( I hope she is ok.
  10. doubt very much you will get a cuppa there, or a windsock for that matter, better off dropping via Boonah, lovely grass strip usually someone around.
  11. Why don't you try out for a position at RAAus, you seem so critical of everything they do yet you still hang around like a fly on s$&t
  12. That's a lot of hours for a ppl!
  13. I'm surprised you hadn't heard the tale of the ferris wheel yet. It's a good one!
  14. Looks like you owe yourself a big pat on the back.
  15. Used to fly a Tecnam 7600, which is sqwark for radio failure
  16. Aaah right. Sorry that one went right over my head haha
  17. What signifigance could that possibly have????
  18. "8 seat C206" they're called C207's.... http://www.pilotfriend.com/aircraft%20performance/Cessna/c205%20c206%20c207.htm
  19. OK got it now. Once a thread starts wandering (as they always do) I lose interest....... For example this thread includes endless discussion on the genius idea of deliberately stalling your a/c and ''floating'' down to your crash site HAHAHA And then endless posts on Cert 4 training blah blah blah No wonder I missed it.....
  20. I don't understand why the atsb would investigate???
  21. Geez what a rockshow
  22. I absolutely love Lightwings!!!!!!!!!!! "Built like a brick ****house" A couple based at Boonah SEQld
  23. The nose gear would have collapsed/failed.
  24. No he said failure, not fire. :-)
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