Metalman, I enjoy your comments, they're always pretty much bang on correct when it comes to the Skyfox, especially the T'Dragger. I'm always amazed at some of the comments by the Skyfox "experts" who seem to know everything about the aircraft and the company, but in truth know very little about the fox and/or its origins. Personally I think they would be better off getting their facts straight before writing in this forum. I was just only recently talking to the former General Manager of Skyfox, and we talked much about the once great little company, so I know exactly what happened to the company and how it collapsed. Was destroyed by certain individuals from both here and from overseas, twits who cared more about their ego's than anything else. By the way, new spars can be purchased, a friend of mine has some in his work shop. I can be contacted on 0431 152150. Spar replacement is quite possible, but only if you understand fully how the wings were originally constructed. I have seen repairs on wing structures carried out by so called "experts", and all I could do was shake my head in disbelief. I would like to add that as I worked in the factory, and were privy to a lot of "sensitive" information I know who did what and I can assure you Mr Kerr had a relatively small part in the manufacture of the Skyfox aircraft. No offence intended towards the fellow, obviously a fine LAME, but mistruths are simply pointless.