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Crazy Crosswind Landings & Ground Loops | Oshkosh EAA AirVenture 2022

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You can't PIN them on like you can a tailwheel.  With crosswind, NEVER let the upwind wing rise even with a nosewheel you can easily end up inverted. Nev

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Thanks for the post.


I have never alluded to being a great aviator, or even being particulaly good. But having watched that Oshkosh video I feel a little better about my flying. These flying applianes do not often arrive back on terra firma as gracefully as we wish them to.

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That was a bit addictive. 😀 I kept wanting to move on and couldn’t. Watched them all.

12 hours ago, facthunter said:

You can't PIN them on like you can a tailwheel.  With crosswind, NEVER let the upwind wing rise even with a nosewheel you can easily end up inverted. Nev

Yeah.. that upwind wing is something I can let slip. Feed it out on takeoff and feed it in on landing. Particularly into wind aileron as the aircraft slows. 

Landings…..I think they serve to keep us humble when our ego gets a bit ahead of the aircraft.


PIN. That is a huge benefit. Pin the bastard down and work on not letting the little wheel get a chance to lead the way.

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You can't pole forward with a tricycle too much early or it may well wheel barrow.. With a tailwheel the prop clearance with the ground is also limiting. Hard braking with a Tailwheel at low speed is a NO No.. It will go on it's nose. Nev

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