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In June 2013 I moved my plane from WA to Qld. I followed a front across and because so got favourable tailwinds. I cruised just under 90Kts but got ground speeds of 105 to 115 Kts because of the south westerly winds behind the front. The only adverse weather was on day three when I caught the front at Port Augusta and had to fly under cloud through a pass in the Flinders Range. Day one Katanning to Esperance to stay with friends. Day two Esperance (Myrup), fuel at Caiguna, Eulca wee break, Nullabor Roadhouse for fuel to Ceduna. Day Three Ceduna to Port Augusta and Mildura for fuel then Temora. Layover day four with friends at Temora. Day Five Temora to Narromine for fuel and then to Steve Hunt's farm near Warialda for lunch and fuel, then home to Kingaroy. All up with favourable winds, the first three days, the four days of flight took 22 hours and I covered a distance of 2200 nautical miles. Enjoy the video.

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